Today's Red Leaf Tea Special

1494 Replies

Amanda D just earned 1 free matcha tea. Congratulations.

momo said


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Can you please send me an email ( I’m trying to set up a gift certificate for you and there is one question I have.

Frolic select said

Did you get my e-mail?

yes. about to reply.

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RE: sampler testing

I got the white/green/black batch and I’m going to taste them in batches to prevent me from climbing up the roof of my house.. as much as I want to taste them all at once and enjoy going crazy hyper.

ashmanra said

That is what I plan to do. I tested the white teas yesterday and had my daughter join me for a second opinion. We tried it hot and prepared in the traditional manner, then as a latte with milk and honey. I will try to do the black matcha today and the green matcha tomorrow, I think.

Donna A said

I tried the 3 greens today and depending on my schedule, will do the blacks next, then the whites. I wanted to do a side by side comparison of the greens, and like you, there is only so much matcha I can handle in one day!

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momo said

another question about the samples, my black matcha ones are numbered 8 and 9, not a problem yet but for the survey, they are 7 and 8. I just want to check if I should just bump them up a number (8 is 7, 9 is 8) or if it’s opposite of that (8 stays 8, 9 is 7)

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Thank you for showing me the error. Unfortunately the supplier of one of the green teas gave us a wrong price and after the correction, the price was not acceptable to us therefor we had to cut it and everyone receiced only 3 green matcha tea samples instead of 4.
After removing this product I forgot to adjust the numbers in the survey. Thank you for reminding me. It’s all corrected now :-)

T.C. said

ahh good, was wondering that as well

What TC said! ty for clarifying.

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Frolic select said

What type of packaging does red leaf come in? I’m plotting an order now and was wondering if buying tins is absolutely necessary.

Azzrian said

Non re-sealable packages. I really suggest getting at least a couple of tins then replacing the matcha with a new flavor when you drink one down. The tins not only house the matcha but have really nice screw top lids that keep you from spilling the matcha powder when opening them up.
There are other tins I have tried in the past but I always managed to spill the power before I tried these screw top tins.

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Thank you Azzrian for you help :-)
Just to clarify, we have already purchased and received (got them yesterday actually) small size zip bags to replace our standard non-resealable bags. We still have about 100-150 of them left and we wanted to use them up before we start using the new ones.
If anyone would like us to use the new bags, just add a note to the order and we’ll do it for you. :-)

Azzrian said

Absolutely your very welcome and it is so cool you got resealable bags now! I would still recommend the tins though if you are totally messy like me lol. I can always manage to find a way to spill even whole leaf tea from bags :)
With powdered matcha – the tins are a MUST have for me.

Sil select said

I have to agree with Azzrian! The tins are great to have a few of. The only reason i’m excited for the re-sealable bags is when i purchase a large size, as my tins don’t hold that much matcha…so the resealable would make it easier to store the last little bit until the tin can hold the rest of it :)

T.C. said

I’m also a tin user…transfer my matcha over to the tins as soon as I get it in.

I re-use previous matcha tins myself. Have only 2 currently, placing more orders for matcha in tins next month at latest though. It is a small collection I am hoping to grow.

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Azzrian said

I would hereby like to formally request MARSHMALLOW matcha please :)

you can request new flavors of matcha??! I have soooo many ideas!

(though they are obscure and likely not going to have mass appeal potential)

Azzrian said

Well its not like he asked recently or anything but awhile back he sure did and he got many of the flavors we asked for. :) I figured it could not hurt to try! If a flavor gets enough interest maybe it will happen! :)


i second marshmallow matcha! Mmmm.. smore matcha!!!!

Ok, here the story on the new flavors. A while back I requested some new flavors from our supplier since they owed me a favor and they agreed to make some. Unfortunately, after a few months of waiting and asking for updates, I decided to get my money back since I did not see much of a chance of getting them. Which is sad since I was looking forward to trying Fire Roasted Marshmallow flavor :-(
But I was able to get at least some new flavors. Next week I will have Apple Pie Matcha and Rich Berry Pie Matcha.
Panettone Matcha and Mandarin Matcha will be next.
I tried to get the flavors you requested but I could not make it happen. Sorry…

Azzrian said

Awee its not your fault! No need to apologize. Fire roasted marshmallow would have been wonderful but these flavors sound great too! What is panettone anyway? I will google :)
Apple Pie and Berry Pie here I come!!!! :)

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So far I have received only half of the reviews from the people that received the matcha for testing. Can I ask the remaining half to give me your opinion?

momo said

I just got mine a week ago and I’ve been away and really busy with midterms, I’ll hopefully have them all tried by mid-week.

BoxerMama said

I still have to pick mine up from the border store where I had it shipped. Waiting on one more package, which should arrive this weekend.

Alphakitty said

I think it’s a lot of matcha to try so quickly—I know I still have one left to try tonight! I’ve been trying to not rush through them so they don’t all run together.

Frolic select said

I’m a little over half way through. I was trying to power through but then got serious caffeine overload and pulled back. I’ll have my survey thingy in sometime this week. I’m trying each one at least once straight up and once as a latte.

thank you for the update. I will wait…

Wish I had seen it in time. I would have had the things in the next day. Addicted to caffeine? Very much so.

I gotta do the green matchas this week – though I need lots of planning to ensure it be the right day to have that much matcha in me!

BoxerMama said

Just wanted to update you, I got my package from the border and I’ll start my tasting tomorrow! :)

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New products added:
Apple Pie Matcha
Rich Berry Pie Matcha
2 days only – 30%OFF. No coupon needed. Enjoy

Azzrian said


Is the 30% off just on those two?

I will have another promo available tomorrow -Friday, but on a different flavor.

Due to some technical problems earlier, we decided that the promo will be extended till midnight today, in case someone still wants to take advantage of it.

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