This time I upped the steeping time on this one just to see what would happen, since I didn’t get any hints of bitterness at 3 minutes on my last cup. This cup certainly looks strong, and there’s a ton of dusty-stuff floating around in it; pieces of coconut and chocolate I think. The aroma of is so coconutty, apparently way more coconutty than last time, when I didn’t get much coconut scent in the brewed tea. Still no hint of bitterness, which is awesome. The taste is definitely coconut, and a blast of sweetness hits me on the back of the sip that I don’t remember from before; I think 4 minutes allows the chocolate chips to dissolve completely and really steeps the big coconut chunks. As the tea cools the sweetness resolves into a chocolatey goodness that compliments the coconut perfectly. I’m really digging this one with a full steep!