I guess I’m in a somewhat chocolatey mood still, because this one called out to me and I decided I wanted to do another tasting of it. This time I steeped it just a hair longer than before, and I think some of the flavors are a little more robust without getting bitter. The aroma is very chocolatey with a floral bergamot undertone. The taste is a little more malty than last time, and predominately chocolate (a roasty, cacao-nib chocolate) with a bright, citrusy texture and aftertaste. I’m not getting a lot of bergamot/EG flavor with this one, although once again I get more as it cools. I’m adjusting this one down a bit because I’m a little less entranced by it’s offerings this time; it doesn’t quite deliver for me on the chocolate or EG fronts as much as I’d like it to. I still enjoy the cup, and it’s definitely unique.