This was unintentional, but I guess it’s been a Lupicia kind of day. I wanted to try this one again while I am thinking of swaps (see my swap list on the International swap thread if you’re interested). This is one of those teas that has almond pieces in it, and lately those teas haven’t been sitting as well with my taste buds. I prefer my almond teas to just have almond flavoring, it seems. Kinda like how I never used to like to eat almonds, but I loved almond extract and almond flavored things. I still greatly prefer the extract (and marzipan, almond paste, amaretto, etc) to the actual nut.
The other thing about nuts in blends is they tend to leave a film of nut-oil on the tea, and that is also the case here. In this case its not too bothersome, but it’s another one of the reasons I dislike nuts in tea. I have a feeling that this would be amazing brewed really strong with additions. As is, it’s decent but not that impressive. It is rather smooth and creamy for a black tea, but it screams for some sweetness. I think I’ll hold onto it for now, though.
You just send it my way if you change your mind lol this is on my “should try sometime” list :)
I added some of this to the traveling tea box so maybe there will be some left when it comes to you!
oh nice!