This dragon ball lasts forever – so long, I had to break it up into two sessions and could’ve gotten away with three. I imagine if I had done flash steeps after the initial 30s, I would’ve gotten 20+ infusions.
I was surprised how dark the liquor was – a nice, clear, medium amber. This is a texture-heavy puer – one of the thickest I’ve ever had. Sits like a ball in the belly and time releases itself from there. Very savory and alkaline; a little sour and honey. Slight dark-honeyed stonefruit aftertaste taste early on. Has a light bitterness that becomes prominent when cooled. Astringency is there, not in my face but sneaks up on me. The liquor brightens up near the end and gives a moderate buttery flavor. The energy was of a zoning out but the caffeine kept me focused. Spent leaf looks good, I can tell it’s no longer a baby. If somebody told me this tea was older than 2017, I’d believe them.
I’m glad I brewed this gongfu over chilling with it grandpa style. I think the thickness and savoriness would’ve been overwhelming that way. Seems like a good puer for playing video games on a cold, dark winter night