Time for trying out my first sample from Little Red Cup Tea. Its a fairly big sample so thanks very a lot for giving me a chance to test it out!
The leaf’s are when dry a bit fluffy like the hairs on silver needles, but more green. I make my first cup with a 3min steep time on 70°c. The liquor of the brew turns out to be a bit between white and green tea. Its golden like a white tea, but with a green tint.
Its still a bit warm with my first sips but i’m getting a nice creamy flavor with some sweet aftertaste. This tea sure is more leaning towards a white then a green thats surprising and it drinks away very easy. When its more cooled down it reminds me a bit of a white darjeeling i had some time ago. Its a very nice cup and i’m curious about the second and third brew i’m going to make from it!