
Recent Tasting Notes

drank The Jefferson Blend by Tealeaves
1335 tasting notes

Tried this as a tea soda on a whim and it was surprisingly good! It definitely brought out a more savory flavor that made me think of rhubarb, even though there isn’t any in the blend.

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drank The Jefferson Blend by Tealeaves
1335 tasting notes

Honestly nothing to add but I haven’t been writing a lot of notes lately so I wanted to make one! I’ve been drinking this blend a LOT lately. Hot, iced, it’s great either way. It’s fairly forgiving – still good if steeped for 3-4 minutes instead of 1-2. I haven’t gone past that though! Big fan of this one.

ashmanra 8 months ago

We’re glad you made a note so we can “see” you again!

Kaylee 8 months ago

Aww thank you :-)

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drank The Jefferson Blend by Tealeaves
1335 tasting notes

I was gifted a big tin of this and I’m low-key obsessed with it. While I generally find tealeaves to be overpriced, this blend sticks with me long after the sip. The kind of tea that just stays with you for days. I find it funny that they describe this as a “subtle hint” of vanilla – the vanilla is so strong in the aroma! The vanilla/cherry/grassy sencha combo just works. I won’t pretend that I can distinguish the gob-chi (goji) berry note from the cherry, but it’s one of those situations where the two flavors are pretty close so the result is just a juicy, lightly sweet, gently tart cherry. It’s good hot, it’s good iced, it’s just good.

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TeaTiff TTB
Well.. the aroma from the dry leaves smells like old, damp, musty house. So I’d say this review isn’t starting out well. The leaves look decent. Not all cut up and torn but a somewhat nicely twisted shape. The color is very brown for a green. The package has pretty artwork on it. The taste is… okay. Not the best jasmine I’ve had. This one steeps quite quickly. With a touch of honey, it improves a bit but I would not seek this out over it’s loose counterparts.

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drank Enlivened by Tealeaves
1013 tasting notes

Strange VariaTEA TTB #34

I grabbed one of these sachets from the box to take to work with me. I don’t usually brew green tea at work, since I don’t have access to a temperature-controlled kettle there. I was pleasantly surprised that, despite probably being brewed with too-hot water, this one was nice and smooth with no bitterness or astringency. It had a vegetal, slightly nutty flavor that reminded me of green beans. Never run across this brand before, but I would drink it again!

Flavors: Green Beans, Nutty, Smooth, Sweet, Vegetal

3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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drank Monsoon Chai by Tealeaves
142 tasting notes

A nice general Chai.

180 °F / 82 °C 1 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

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drank Shanghai Rose by Tealeaves
30 tasting notes

At first glance, I wasn’t sure if I was going to like this blend, mostly based off the fact that rose can be on the polarizing side, especially if there’s too much of it. But the lychee is what intrigued me the most about this tea, and ultimately, kept my interest. Not only is it bright, juicy, and sweet, it is a perfect accompaniment to the rose. If you’re not a fan of florals, this tea could come off a bit abrasive to the senses, but I really enjoyed it. I can see Shanghai Rose making a nice iced tea, maybe even with a splash of lemonade.

Flavors: Floral, Lychee, Rose

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 30 sec

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Had this a while ago. It’s just okay.
Boyfriend bought this for me a while ago, and he bought me a pretty large tin! Don’t have the heart of tossing it but I’ve been giving it to a few friends here and there. My sister absolutely loves this tea as a latte though! I find a floral latte a bit weird tasting but hey, you do you

Flavors: Floral, Lychee, Melon, Soap

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3/3 Tealeaves sacheted teas brought home from the Bellagio in Las Vegas. Not by me. Vegas isn’t my cuppa.

Brewed according to the parameters on the back of the packet: 82C(180F), 1 min, good for 2 cups.

To be frank, I’ve had much better green teas in paper teabags. This is low-average end for my tastes. Hot straw, hay, raw almond sweetness, mineral, the vestiges of seaweed and dandelion greens. The marigold flowers make the liquor somewhat bitter. There’s an astringency that doesn’t hit until after the swallow. It feels like there’s a stranglehold on my uvula without any dryness in the throat. Don’t want to finish my cup. Maybe the tea is stale.

While this tea, like Las Vegas, isn’t my cuppa, I do recommend trying Tealeaves’ Organic English Breakfast and Organic Chamomile Blossoms for some high quality sachets.

Flavors: Almond, Biting, Bitter, Dandelion, Drying, Hay, Mineral, Seaweed, Straw

180 °F / 82 °C 1 min, 0 sec 8 OZ / 236 ML
Mastress Alita 6 years ago

Aww, so you didn’t pick these up from some shady store trying to sell overpriced beauty products with tea as their front? Disappointed.

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Tea bag from Derk and I have to agree again with everything.
Plain, 3+ minutes of steeping, freshly boiled water into cold glass cup. 8 am. Listening to oldies as “Frankie goes to Holywood – The Power Of Love”. Feeling nostalgic.

Strong, bold tea, wtih stong notes of malt. My fav. Indeed bit citrusy. When it is cooling down I am noticing wine notes too. Overall it is round taste. Colour is dark copper, clear. Somehow typical for black tea.

I like it. For mornings as this rainy one – perfect. Good morning cuppa. Great job from tea bag.

Just one steep though.

Flavors: Citrusy, Malt, Red Wine, Round, Tea

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 15 sec 10 OZ / 300 ML

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Sipping on this in between classes and on my second steep now.

Like the Tealeaves’ Chamomile Blossom I had recently, this sachet is filled to the seam with whole black tea leaves and blue cornflower accents. The first steep was amazing for a bagged black. Soothing black tea fragrance, not sharp at all. The brew was full, round and kind of thick. It was deep and malty, somewhat chocolatey, with a citrusy brightness and a wine-like base that I guess was from the Keemun. A little bit of spicy bite, too, like one would expect from a Cabernet Sauvignon. Clean finish.

This second steep of 5 minutes is so far good. It’s oily and tastes more like a typical black tea bag and leaves a little bit of mineral impression.

Really nice bagged black.

Flavors: Chocolate, Citrusy, Malt, Mineral, Red Wine, Round, Spicy

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec 10 OZ / 295 ML

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Damn, valerian is disgusting.

Nothing like drinking stinky feet for a good night’s rest. Fortunately, there’s some good stuff going on in this blend to, um, temper the valerian. The other ingredients provide a well-balanced mix of herbaceous and floral qualities but it’s not enough to completely distract from the fact that I’m chugging the sweat squeezed from a pair of four days worn crusty gym socks. There’s also some herbal spiciness and a cooling spreading through my chest — from what, I’m not sure. This tea wins points for the blend sans valerian.

Here’s to me being blessed with a club-over-the-head sleep after a later than desired oolong session.

Boiling 8 min or more 14 OZ / 414 ML
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mrmopar 6 years ago

I remember puerh like this a time or two when I first started.

Olive 6 years ago

I feel for you, valerian is terrible.

derk 6 years ago

Maybe an enterprising scammer pressed some valerian cakes and sold them to you as an unwitting westerner, mrmopar :P If I keep drinking valerian, maybe I’ll develop an affinity and soon an obsession for it? Build a vumidor? Open a valerian den where people drink only the finest goosh and can pass out safely?

mrmopar 6 years ago

LOL!!! I have learned much since those early days young patewan…..And yes you can elaborate your plans for it too. ,P

derk 6 years ago

Olive: Valerian works great for me as a sleep aid. Because of the taste, I drink it sparingly. Do you know of any blends containing valerian that taste decent?

mrmopar: The va qi hits me like a rock.

mrmopar 6 years ago

Too funny!!!!

Olive 6 years ago

Unfortunately I can’t recommend anything, I tend to actively avoid anything even remotely associated to valerian. Sorry :/ I’ll be sure to check your reviews regularly though, in case you find a blend that I might dare to try haha

Mastress Alita 6 years ago

I have a sleep blend with valerian in it that is really heavy in fennel, and all I smell and taste is the fennel, not the valerian. But valerian is the one thing that will knock me out. I also have valerian in capsules that I’ll take sometime, since that works way better for me than melatonin.

derk 6 years ago

What’s that blend of yours Mastress Alita? I’m in the market for more valerian tea. Melatonin didn’t work for me in the distant past; a few hours after taking it and passing out, I was WIDE AWAKE. HELLO. Bunk.

Mastress Alita 6 years ago

Ya, that’s why I switched to valerian capsules from melatonin. The blend is from American Tea Room and called Sleeping Beauty, but they went out of business some time ago. They were one of those places that only sold ridiculous sized bags though, so I still have an inordinate amount, though. I felt like I saw some other valerian/fennel combo somewhere else not long ago, but since I’m on hiatus I didn’t think much of it since I’m not actively buying tea right now and my memory sucks ass from all my migraine meds… if I run into it again I’ll make sure to note it. I have plenty of the Sleeping Beauty I could share though, at least for now. Once it’s gone I’ll have to find a replacement too, heh.

Mastress Alita 6 years ago

Hey, I found it, it was one of those good ol’ Rishi herbal blends: Valerian Dream. That will probably be the one I try as a replacement when I run out of my Sleeping Beauty blend.

derk 6 years ago

Tyty! Going to give it a try.

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Picked up from the Bellagio in Las Vegas. The sachet was nearly overflowing with fluffy chamomile. Very strong floral-apple aroma that was also present in the sweet liquor. Nice pollen brightness. Not at all drying or woody. As far as the rose and lavender oils, I didn’t pick up on either but I did get hints of airiness?

Best chamomile I’ve had! 2 steeps.

Flavors: Apple, Flowers, Hot Hay

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 8 OZ / 236 ML

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drank English Breakfast by Tealeaves
2992 tasting notes

Tasting note #1300!

I actually had this last week and forgot to log it. This is master blend no. 2235, but I don’t see this specific blend listed here on steepster. Anyway, I had this straight, but will only be drinking it with milk and sugar on the future. I found it steeped strong an fast, but I found it quite bitter and did not enjoy it. I honestly prefer Red Rose or a higher quality black if I’m going to drink it straight. I thought this might be high quality due to the nice packaging/sachet, but I equate bitter with low quality broken leaf tea.

Notes of almond skins (the dark brown thin skins in almond nuts), tannin, bitter, classic potent breakfast blend flavour. Flavours of fresh cut maple wood, but I wouldn’t call it maple syrup or wood flavour exactly.

Also, it will get overly tannic if you let it steep too long (not than two minutes), so just be cautious. I’m not one for strong black teas aren’t usually my thing unless they are malty/thick (with no bitterness).

Flavors: Almond, Bitter, Maple, Tannic, Tannin, Wood

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mrmopar 8 years ago


Evol Ving Ness 8 years ago

Congrats, Arby!

Fjellrev 8 years ago

Happy 1300, Arby!

Arby 8 years ago

Thank you! :D

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There really isn’t much to say about this tea. It tastes like a fresh chamomile with subtle peppery lemon notes and flavours of dry grass and pollen. It tastes like any other chamomile, but IMO is probably fresher and therefore tastes more vegetal. It isn’t /quite/ as good as “cheap” chamomiles I’ve had, but it is still tasty.

Flavors: Hot Hay, Lemon, Vegetal

Iced 8 min or more 17 OZ / 500 ML

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A short steep time (~3 minutes) will yield a flavourful and tasty brew. My previous review was a long 8 minute steep that made the liquid bitter and acrid. I’m ammending my rating now that I’ve realized it was definitely user error and this is actually a good tea.

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 30 sec

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Good quality (mostly whole blossoms, high quality sachet, ample room for the tea to expand) and the package states it is intended to be steeped multiple times.

First steep:
Chamomile, hot hay, dry grass, lemon

Second steep: Still only chamomile, but I accidentally left the teabag in for 30 minutes or so and it oversteeped. Do not leave the teabag in for too long or your brew will be acrid. Still only chamomile and no lavender or rose flavour at all. I wouldn’t even describe it as super floral, much closer to plain chamomile with its characteristic lemony/dry grass flavour. Unfortunately I don’t actually like fresh chamomiles and strongly prefer the stale lower quality ones (yes, I’m serious).

Flavors: Dry Grass, Hot Hay, Lemon

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Much like Comic Book Guy on The Simpsons, I’ve recently experienced the worst of the worst. Rest assured I was on the internet within minutes registering my disgust throughout Steepster. This tea came in a set purchased at Mandarin Oriental, Las Vegas. The other two teas, Nutcracker and Mandarin Orange Blend, are great, but I hadn’t tried the third tea, Organic Lychee Green. In the bag, the scent is slightly floral, fruity, and familiar. I think to myself, it’ll brew a good cup. Don’t be fooled! It’s a trap! I smelt it again after I finished brewing it. It’s a scent from my past, but I can’t connect the dots. I take a sip. It’s barely palatable, and wafts of perfume permeated the air. I asked my brother to take a sip. He concludes, “It’s Bath & Body Works Cucumber Melon Lotion.” The connection registers immediately. UGH! YES! Cucumber Melon was part of the middle school experience growing up in the ‘90s. And really, who wants to relive that period of angst and uncertainty through a cuppa? I sure don’t. Luckily, my boyfriend had consumed most of it, so we don’t have to buy this tea ever again. Worst. Tea. Ever.

Flavors: Cucumber, Melon, Soap

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

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