142 Tasting Notes
A Bit stronger than I remember their “standard” Lapsang from several years back, but good.
medium-dark brew, slightly smoky /peaty smell. A bit lighter on the “tea” flavor.
I’ve had better, but its OK.
Flavors: Earthy, Grass, Peat, Smoke
I was in Japan last year, and had several roasted rice-infused teas that were rather good.
I was looking for something back here in the states, and found this one.
It is very roasted-rice forward; smells and tastes a lot like the Sugar Smacks roasted rice cereal I ate as a kid, though obviously not sweet.
I can’t say I taste a lot of the tea flavor; this is also a “low-caffeine” tea, so good for afternoons or evenings if you’re sensitive to caffeine.
Some of the largest leaves I’ve seen in any tea; very flavorful, but not in a “traditional” black tea taste. Strikes me as more of a green or oolong tea flavor, but it is very tasty. Just not what I expected from a “black” tea as it is described in their literature.
Malty, I wouldn’t say sweet as some others have, but sure, some honey flavors. Nice scent.
Leaves are so large I had to just use my fingers to get the tea, my little round scoop I usually use is useless.
To me, a nice blend of black tea and apple favoring.
Nice apple scent, pretty plain apple and tea, no cinnamon or other flavors that I notice.
It did steep dark pretty quick, so for my no milk no sugar drinking, I only needed 30 sec to get a nice strong brew. And multiple cups of tea per teabag.
Flavors: Apple
A good representative of the English tea type; A Bit tannic, strong if you steep it long, medium dark carmel color, good black tea “nose”.
As I don’t use milk or sugar, 30 sec is plenty of time to get a strong tea steep.
Came as part of a sampler kit, I don’t usually do herbal / detox teas.
Mostly I taste the peppermint, and some more subtle other herbs, definitely no “real” tea in this.
It’s pleasant, light yellowish-brown color, maybe it’s doing me some herbal goodness, hard to know.
It is decaf, so good for late in the day drinking.