drank English Breakfast by Tealeaves
2993 tasting notes

Tasting note #1300!

I actually had this last week and forgot to log it. This is master blend no. 2235, but I don’t see this specific blend listed here on steepster. Anyway, I had this straight, but will only be drinking it with milk and sugar on the future. I found it steeped strong an fast, but I found it quite bitter and did not enjoy it. I honestly prefer Red Rose or a higher quality black if I’m going to drink it straight. I thought this might be high quality due to the nice packaging/sachet, but I equate bitter with low quality broken leaf tea.

Notes of almond skins (the dark brown thin skins in almond nuts), tannin, bitter, classic potent breakfast blend flavour. Flavours of fresh cut maple wood, but I wouldn’t call it maple syrup or wood flavour exactly.

Also, it will get overly tannic if you let it steep too long (not than two minutes), so just be cautious. I’m not one for strong black teas aren’t usually my thing unless they are malty/thick (with no bitterness).

Flavors: Almond, Bitter, Maple, Tannic, Tannin, Wood

Show 2 previous comments...
mrmopar 8 years ago


Evol Ving Ness 8 years ago

Congrats, Arby!

Fjellrev 8 years ago

Happy 1300, Arby!

Arby 8 years ago

Thank you! :D

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mrmopar 8 years ago


Evol Ving Ness 8 years ago

Congrats, Arby!

Fjellrev 8 years ago

Happy 1300, Arby!

Arby 8 years ago

Thank you! :D

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I am a biochem major hoping for a career in research genetics and evolutionary biology. I love science fiction and spend too much of my time reading comic books. I’m a passionate keeper of spiders, cacti, and exotic plants. I eat a vegan, plant-based diet for moral and environmental reasons (I mention this only because it is relevant to which flavoured teas I drink).

I drink mostly flavoured and low caffeine teas/tisanes, but I will try anything twice. As far as pure teas go, I gravitate towards whites, yellows, and jade oolongs. I’m always open for trades and sample sales/exchanges. Message me any time :)

My cupboard is mostly up to date. For a more comprehensive list, see my stash spreadsheet here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-HjWKR3um-xEnj6HC9vMvKXOAyj_bpW5u_2ixEC20-k/edit?usp=sharing
Most of these are only tiny samples/I can’t always spare any, but feel free to ask.

Favourite flavours/ingredients:
Rum/alcohol, clove, cardamom, rosemary, pine, sage, anise, moss/Earthy, lychee, floral, creamy, malt, hay, rice/grain, toasty, desserty, cocoa/chocolate, decaf or no caffeine, very unusual flavours

Favourite tea types
Decaf teas (any variety)/no caf tisanes like honeybush and rooibos, fruit blends without hibiscus, yellow, jade oolong, white, Darjeeling blacks, Longjing

Least favourite flavours/ingredients:
Acidic/sour/tart, melon, grapefruit, bitter, astringent, smokey, green apple, sickly sweet (too much chicory, cinnamon, or licorice root), yerba mate, turmeric, mushroom/fungus, vegetal and savoury

Animal products: [confectioners glaze, gelatine, milk-based natural flavours, white choc chips, caramel bits, etc]
St. John’s wort (herb)


BC, Canada

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