Nina's Paris

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drank Taurus by Nina's Paris
3368 tasting notes

This is a sample sent by Laurent and Sophie at Nina’s. Thank you! I tried to review this early this morning but Steepster was acting up again and it wouldn’t let me.

I used my whole sample to make a small pot of hot tea. My friend and I drank one 5 ounce cup each with no sweetener. The rooibos base comes through very clearly but the strawberry is nice and fruity. I saved the remaining eight ounces and let it cool. I added simple syrup and ice, and I think this is the way I enjoyed it most. It is nice and light, clear and fruity.

Thank you again, Nina’s!




Bonnuie, a language barrier perhaps? Glad to see you around here!


A friend just bought Toasted Nut Brûlée Oolong at Teavana. She opened her bag and I looked at it and told her it was almost ALL room is and there was little oolong in it! So don’t drink that one, Bonnie!


I’m appreciative for Nina’s samples and sure that regular containers are labled with contents. Some companies don’t list ingredients even online which is terrible. Nina’s DOES list them online.
Ash, I’d be so upset if I got a bag full of fillers! I actually made up my own box at home with the easy blendables like dry ginger, cocoa nibs, orange peel, dry berries and burdock root, flowes and mint, cinnamon chips. Why pay extra for the easier blends. It’s easy to create a cocoa mint tea or cinnamon puerh.

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drank Taurus by Nina's Paris
2970 tasting notes

Sipdown. This is such a creamy pot of tea, with perfect strawberry flavor. A great tea for a summer evening. I am sorry to see this go.

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drank Taurus by Nina's Paris
2970 tasting notes

The discription does not lie. Strawberries and cream! This is scrumptious. The strawberry flavor is perfect, just like the real thing, fresh from the farmers markets.
Even if Roobious isnt usually your thing, give this a try. Its wonderful.


agree. i totally loved this!

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drank Aquarius by Nina's Paris
871 tasting notes

Thanks Laurent for this free sample with my last order. I am not a huge rooibos fan, but I am glad Laurent added some rooibos samples to my last order, because I am enjoying them.

This tea smells of rooibos and also of strong sweet mint. Mostly spearmint smelling. The hot tea tastes of light, smooth, sweet rooibos and strong mint. Seems to be a mix of pepper- and spear- mint tasting. Underneath the mint, there is an unsweetened cocoa taste. The rooibos seems to give the tea some sweetness. I do not normally like chocolate teas, but this one seems to be well done. It has a chocolate taste to it but is not trying to mimic chocolate. Like I have found with some of Nina’s other rooibos teas, the taste seems best after it cools a bit, but before it becomes luke-warm.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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drank Taurus by Nina's Paris
2954 tasting notes

You just can’t mess up a tea that has strawberry in it. This little sample from the nice folks at Nina’s has a bushel of farm-fresh strawberry flavor and is thicker and more velvety on the tongue than other rooibos blends.

…oh my…and with a little sweetener as k s recommended, it turns into shortcake!

Hesper June

Strawberry Shortcake! Yummy!


This one does have a shortcake quality to it!

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drank Taurus by Nina's Paris
1719 tasting notes

This was labeled as Taureau on the sample. My first review was eaten, amazingly not by Steepster this time but my crappy internet connection. Sigh. Short version: To my fellow Steepsterites who weren’t sure they wanted to try this one because it’s rooibos – you really need to reconsider. First sip reminded me of a light cup of wild strawberry. Not tart. Instead it is kind of mildly green. At this point I added sweetener – OH WOW! I don’t care if you normally don’t you need to sweeten this! Totally amazing. The cup explodes with strawberries and cream. I do get a woodsy touch of rooibos in the aftertaste but it blends so well even rooibos haters probably won’t mind. This is a caffeine free tisane I would actually look forward to sipping.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

It is quite good!

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drank China Keemun by Nina's Paris
1113 tasting notes

I’m not sure what to make of this one! It is a lot richer and earthier than I expected. And kind of smokey though I’m sure it isn’t actually smoked like a lapsang. That is the only thing I can think to compare it to though, a VERY mellow lapsang! Interesting. A new experience for sure :)

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Brewed this up as my last cup of the evening yesterday.
This is very smooth, and the fruit flavoring is blended really well. The red tea is hardly noticable under the fruit flavor, which makes it seem like the fruit might be overpowering, but its not at all.
I like it, but am not compleatly overwhelmed by it. Will happily have another cup if it ever comes my way again.
Thanks to Sophie and Laurent!

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drank Aries by Nina's Paris
871 tasting notes

Thank you Laurent for this free sample with my last order.

The dry tea smells like rooibos, a bit nutty.

The tea while brewing, smells very creamy, nutty – almost like hazlenut, hints of vanilla.

The hot tea tastes like sweet, nutty, creamy rooibos. As it starts to cool, I get the taste similar to Sakura Japanese cherry blossom tea. I do not get any sour cherry taste until the aftertaste. The aftertaste is very much like the pucker you get after eating a sour cherry. As it cools to a luke-warm temperature, it retains the sweet cherry blossom taste but looses the sour cherry aftertaste. It stays creamy-tasting. I do not get any metallic taste often associated with rooibos.

I was pleasantly surprised by this rooibos blend.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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drank Taurus by Nina's Paris
464 tasting notes

My co-workers were talking about signs all morning, so Taurus seemed the way to go for my afternoon teatime.

I do like this blend! I’m very glad the rooibos is not muddy. It really does have a nice creaminess to it and the strawberries are very fresh tasting.

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drank Taurus by Nina's Paris
464 tasting notes

MMMMmmmmm! You know what this reminds me of? Strawberry licorice ropes! SPECIFICALLY the good ones that taste like fresh, real strawberries and sugar, NOT waxy ropes or twizzlers or red vines.

On second thought it also reminds me of strawberry shortcake with tons and tons of sugar on the strawberries and pound cake as the cake- like my Dad makes it. There are lots of pleasant associations with this tea flavor.

The red rooibos in this is quite nice- not overpoweringly earthy and just enough menthol taste to add to the candy sensation without making it seem too artificial.

Oh and thanks, SOPHIE AND LAURENT for this sample! :-)

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drank Jasmin by Nina's Paris
1113 tasting notes

I was thrilled to see this in my most recent package of samples from Nina’s since I’m such a big fan of jasmine teas! I don’t believe I’ve ever tasted lotus in a tea before. I’m not sure I can pick it out over the jasmine flavor/scent. This is a particularly flowery jasmine! The base tea is a little richer and heavier and less sweet than my beloved jasmine pearl teas. Nice if you are in the mood for something with a little more body to it! This is basically a fancier version of the basic jasmine tea they serve at my favorite Chinese restaurant. Classic and sophisticated :)

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drank Grand Amour by Nina's Paris
2970 tasting notes

Ah. This is the only one of the teas that JustJames sent to me that I had tried before, and I was eager to brew it up again.
This is so complex, so many glorious layers to it, with the caramel lurking under the lush currant flavor. Its a beautiful tea.
Its going to be a busy day. I’ve got an interview with the lady who runs the local arts center (not a job interview, but an informational meeting), so Ineed to be ready and sharp.
This tea is putting me into a delightful zen-ness, which will help in my morning preparations.
Thank you James, for letting me try this again!


so glad i could help set the mood….. how did it go?!!


Very well! I got lots of useful information, and I might be able to voulenteer for a number of really cool projects that are upcoming, which would be a great foot in the door.



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drank Grand Amour by Nina's Paris
2970 tasting notes

Thanks to Sophie and Laurent for this sample!
Mmm. Its caramel tea day here, it seems.
Of course, the caramel and vanilla notes are secondary to the currant flavor, which is very nice indeed. Fruity without being too fruity. Balanced very well. I sipped this while I had a plate of fresh figs, drizzled in honey. Yum! A lovely paring.
My sample was just enough for one cup, but this is something I’ll hunt down more of in the future.


I bought this one because it was so sooooo yummy, I plan to get it for my future son-in-law as a wedding gift when he gets to the USA!

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drank Sencha Yame by Nina's Paris
1113 tasting notes

Sencha is one of my favorites! Thank you Laurent for this sample :)

This Sencha Yame is particularly spinachy. Sweet and bright and GREEN with a light smokey/grainy undertone. I love it!

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drank Ceylon by Nina's Paris
464 tasting notes

Sip down of my sample from Laurent an Sophie!

I like this even better with a really, really short steep. I steeped it less than a minute. It pairs really well with these caramel sea salt coconut macaroons I’m eating because it’s nice and plain in contrast to the sweet.

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drank Ceylon by Nina's Paris
464 tasting notes

Thank you, Sophie and Laurent, for sending this to me as a sample! :-)

This is a lovely, dark breakfast tea. The dry leaf scent is fragrant and malty. The smell of the liquor is like dark green beans, sweetly vegetal and slightly earthy. It has a soft, satin-y mouthfeel. As it cools, the malt and fruitiness becomes more prominent. I can

What sets this apart from other ceylons (or just a lot of breakfast teas) is that it is amazingly smooth. I kept bracing myself for a gritty mouthfeel and drymouth after drinking because my brain associates that type of taste with those sensations, but the bad stuff never came at all. It was lovely!

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drank Ceylon by Nina's Paris
358 tasting notes

Oh, this one is wonderful! Plain teas usually aren’t what I reach for, but I was happy to see a sample of this from Sophie and Laurent in the mail nonetheless. My expectations were that it would be a somewhat standard black tea. It is so much more than that! There is a sweetness to it, and pops of fresh fruit. The maltiness comes through in the aftertaste and it is nice and strong. There is a smoothness to it also. This tea reminds me a little of Kusmi’s St. Petersburg, with all of the sweet, malty and fruity flavors. Very big thank you to Sophie and Laurent for this wonderful little sample! Onto the wish list it goes!

-Dry blend has small black tea leaves.
-Dry leaves smell lightly earthy and malty. Tea liquor aroma is malty with sweet fruit notes.
-Tea liquor is a clear dark reddish brown color.
-Smooth and sweet flavor and finish with fruity notes. Deep malty aftertaste.
-Best with milk and sweetener.
-Very good tea. Sweet flavor with a deep maltiness and hints of fruit.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

It sounds wonderful! Ceylons are hubby’s favorite black teas, especially low grown.


I’ve had a few Ceylons and haven’t yet been impressed. Those that I’ve tried have been kind of blah and I’ve been using them as a base for my peppermint leaves. You make this one sound really good. Maybe I just haven’t tried a quality Ceylon yet :)

Josie Jade

I’m usually not much for plain teas, but this one had so many flavors going on that it was perfect. I am strongly tempted to buy some now!

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drank Earl Grey by Nina's Paris
676 tasting notes

Thank you Nina’s Paris for this sample tea!

The morning sun was very bright, one of those days when the news reports ‘sun glare’ for drivers and a caution to wear dark glasses to prevent accidents. I laughed when I moved to high altitude Colorado from sea level California and heard traffic news reports of ‘sun glare’. I don’t scoff anymore!

I decided to try a tea that I consider perky.

Earl Grey is one of those tea’s that has a citrus edge reminding one of Summer any time of the year. It’s not too fru-fru for a deep black tea lover like me.

This Earl is light and fresh, almost too light for my taste…but I can imagine that many are looking for just such a lighter bergamot tea. There is no astringency, just fresh, light flavor.

I had issues with Steepster yesterday (when I first tried to log this review) and got the dreaded black screen announcing that I had left the kettle on so I retreated to my blog and wrote some thoughts that had long been brewing in my mind about the meaning of tea in my life.

If you would like to read my latest blog entry…

I’m off today to the Rocky Mountain Tea Festival in Boulder and will write about the adventure with some pictures. Sometimes vendors that we post reviews about are at the festival, and that’s always exciting.

Terri HarpLady

I wish I was there! Next year we should all converge on this festival!




By the way, the classes are $15 which is cheap!


Have fun at the festival!


I did! Ended up afterwards at Ku Cha tea house and as I always do, brought some Verdant and Butiki tea in my bag and shared with the tea servers. We did some side-by-side tastings and had a good time. They served me golden eyebrow black tea. I always follow by buying a pot of tea to drink in the back tea room by the fountain.

Terri HarpLady

Sounds like a wonderful day to me!! :D


I read your blog entry…thanks for the inspiration Bonnie :-)

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drank Adam by Nina's Paris
1118 tasting notes

I was expecting a mint tea with a hint of lemon, but this turned out to be a lemon tea with the faintest hint of spearmint. To be fair, this was made from a sample, so it’s entirely possible that a lot of lemon peel ended up in my infuser. That said this was a very nice cuppa. It was very clean and bright with the lemon tasting perfectly natural. This is a tea I’d like to try again and will consider ordering at some point in the future. I’d like to see if the mint, which was such a slight flavor in my cup, is as good as the lemon. If it is then I’d love to have this in my cupboard on a regular basis.

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drank Aries by Nina's Paris
15257 tasting notes

I’m basing this off the fact that wheezybee said Laurent had indicated Belier was Aries. I’m not sure if thta’s true, but the result is this is getting filed here. It’s been a few days of waiting to find out from Nina’s Paris if Belier was it’s own tea, such that i’ve forgotten much of how the tea tasted. I know that i enjoyed it a bunch but i can’t speak as to whether it was cherry flavoured. i don’t recall seeing and flower petals, as that’s more often a NO for me instead of a yay! I’d be willing to try this again when i can track immediately the taste. But i know i enjoyed drinking it, so yay!


I got the same sample. I just looked it up and aries translates to belier in French.


Thanks, Lala! That makes me feel better about where I posted it! The taste definitely fit, but it was the lack of all the petals (shown in all their pictures) that made me question it.


makes sense :)

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drank Nina's Paris by Nina's Paris
676 tasting notes

Thank you to Laurent of Nina’s for this sample tea!

As I often do, I took my Nina’s sample to share with my friends at the Happy Lucky’s Tea House.

Today, Andi (who just finished her degree in art at the University) was working behind the tea bar along with Sam and Diana.

Business was busy off and on. An ebb and flow of thirsty patrons buying iced tea, loose tea from the ‘GREAT WALL’ of metal storage bins, or pots of tea for languishing over with a book, laptop or conversation with friends.

During a quiet spot, Andi took my small packet of Nina’s tea and steeped much of it in a tasting cup gongfu style. She then poured the liquor into a larger sharing cup for group tasting. (We’ve been group tasting for quite some time by sipping from different parts of the rim on a larger bowl style cup)

At first Andi and Diana were convinced the tea was black current tea even when I told them that the flavors were a blend of orange, strawberry and cherry.

It took me some time to think about what I was tasting, because there was a peculiar ‘other’ flavor. Something that reminded me of Greek Mountain Tea. (A sage-like herb flavor that I like but didn’t expect.)

For me, the tea was a cross between orange and peach, with not a hint of strawberry or cherry…and medium body.

I imagine cold brewing would suit the blend best.

Andi was determined to compare Nina’s with Happy Lucky’s Black Current Tea, so she brewed a sample taster side-by-side and the result was interesting.
Nina’s sample smelled milder than the current and had a richer more layered flavor profile. The current was pungent smelling but mild tasting.

Side-by-side tastings are fun to do and are helpful in learning to polish the skills needed for detecting aroma and flavor differences.

I think this is an above average flavored tea, although a little different because of the herb flavor.


ah… i lament. what i wouldn’t give for a great wall of teas. sounds as though you had a lovely time =0)


Just began to rain and I’m off to meet my granddaughter Megan for tea. This weekend is the Rocky Mountain Tea Festival in Boulder at the Dushanbe Tea House. I’m going to hear David Lee Hoffman speak on rare tea’s of China and there’s a tea vendor bazaar. I can’t afford the other classes, but I went to the Oolong and Cooking with Tea last year


aw!!!!! i don’t believe we even have such a thing here!!! and my city is the capital of the province. humph.


So cool you are going to hear David Lee Hoffman speak!

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drank Balade a Shanghai by Nina's Paris
15257 tasting notes

Another Sample from the wonderful Nina’s Tea! Seriously folks, take them up on their generous offer and try a few of their samples! because i have a number of teas on their way and because of Bonnie’s tasting not today, i was inspired to try this one out. I don’t usually drink mint teas unless they’re chocolate mint teas but i can say that this tea here is a good one! The mint in this isn’t overly intense but it’s still obviously a mint tea. I really find this to be a smooth, refreshing tea! Thank you Laurent!

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

I love how well balanced all their blends are :) nothing overpowering


Grand Amour is still my favorite, but I have six of their teas right now and they are all very nice.

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drank Balade a Shanghai by Nina's Paris
676 tasting notes

Thank you to Nina’s for this lovely sample tea!

Many of the friends that I had to leave behind in California when I moved to Colorado are from the Middle East and North Africa. They taught me to make (and love) gunpowder green tea with fresh mint and LOTS of sugar! (I am not exaggerating at all about the sugar!)

One of my favorite memories was sitting with my friend Randa in an Arabic Tea House in San Francisco, sipping mint tea and eating pastries. We talked for hours as our tall teapot of mint leaves was filled and refilled many times with boiling water. The tea tray had a large bowl of sugar on it to suppliment the sweetened tea in the pot.

It was wonderful!

I always grow mint just so that I can recreate that tea experience when the mood is right and the day is hot enough. (The tea is best on a hot day!)

Prepackaged mint tea’s are usually not strong enough. Mint has a way of losing it’s punch when dry.

I decided to brew the tea in my Verdant glass beaker steeper, which holds 7oz water because the leaves are rolled and I wanted to watch the tea expand.
1TB dry tea soon filled the beaker with green leaves and golden tea, which when drained was half filled with expanded leaves.

The golden liquor tasted stronger than I had expected, with mint and slight smokiness from the gunpowder tea.

Right away, I heavily sweetened the tea as my friends do.

Although I much prefer the fresh leaves (and who wouldn’t), this is pretty good. I’ve only had one other mint tea of this kind that had enough body to drink in the traditional manner.

(Now my mind is beginning to wonder about culinary applications…)


Bonnie, when one day you’ll come over Paris to see your nephew, ask him to take you to the tea room of la grande Mosquée de Paris, near le Jardin des Plantes : you’ll get the most wonderful oriental pastries and the mint tea is done of course with fresh mint leaves and sugaaaaaaaar no no not sugar but really sugaaaaaaaar ! fantastic pastries…×500/3/17/91/61/nice/avril10/mosquee.JPG


This makes me excited to try my sample tonight!


Yes Ysaurella! You will have to join us because my Nephew David is very Parisian and very handsome! He’s 35, single and has lived in Paris over 10 years.


Nice photo of the pastries! We have a Turkish Bakery here in Old Town that looks like that with honey cakes, sesame cookies, baklava and so on. YUM!


ok Bonnie now you need to come over Paris to share gazelle ankles and tea with me :) – the mosquee is very near the faculty where I studied so many memories !


This makes me smile!

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