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drank Taurus by Nina's Paris
2145 tasting notes

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drank Thé sur la Lune by Nina's Paris
391 tasting notes

Damn, steepster ate my tasting note :( I don’t want to re type but I guess I will a little. I was hoping for more fruity variety in this one but mostly got blueberry and maybe some raspberry taste. I was hoping to get some taste of passion fruit at least but nope. I almost bought a bag of it, so it’s great to have samples before. Thanks for the sample Laurent :)

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drank Earl Grey by Nina's Paris
254 tasting notes

I promise, I will try to stop personifying my teas! In the meantime, this was a nice Earl Grey with a surprising natural sweetness and slightly fruity notes neither my husband nor I could place. Well worth a second cup!

You can read my full review here:

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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drank Grand Amour by Nina's Paris
1184 tasting notes

Thank you Lala for this sample in our swap!
I thoroughly enjoyed this tea! I didn’t get any caramel, but I got a hint of vanilla and raspberry. What really stole the show though was the red currant, it really shines when cold.
I prefer this cold I think.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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drank Cancer by Nina's Paris
113 tasting notes

Received this sample from Laurent from Thé de Paris. Thanks for letting me try it out!

The sample package contains a fairly large portion off this flavored rooibos. The peaces pineapple and coconut are fairly big, at least bigger then i first expected. Flavor wise in the dry rooibos i notice the pineapple tropical smell…

Making a brew for almost 5min, the color looks a nice color brown just like the rooibos i tryed from jing. Have to say this is my very first rooibos with a other taste in it so i’m curious!

I do let my cup cool down so i can get the more subtle tastes off of my cup. The quality off the rooibos is pretty high. I’m tasting the pineapple but its pretty light in taste, more hint off pineapple then full flavor, just like with the coconut.

Overall this is a very nice refreshing drink, its different and thats a good thing!

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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drank Taurus by Nina's Paris
1184 tasting notes

Somehow, there was a mix-up and my samples got put in the wrong mailbox. So I finally received my samples after some lady down the street had it for like 2 weeks!
Thank you to Laurent and Sophie for these free samples!

This tea is lovely, creamy and fruity, I am getting a slight raspberry tone in here as well as strawberry. The rooibos base is maybe a little bit too heavy.
This is also delicious cold.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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Which tea can be better to sum up my day ? Like Marie-Antoinette, I feel like someone just cut my head ! And this is my boss (my N+1 as we have to say when we want to be taken seriously at work)

The company supposed to absorbe the one I am working for, has now some serious accounting difficulties meaning they probably will give up the activity represented by my company…fantastic…I’ve been told that they may, pershaps, manage to integrate my contract in the new company but not sure and “if I was considering to find another job they won’t hold a grudge towards me”…
My collegue won’t be reconducted and another one will probably be fired.

So even if I am trying not to repeat myself since almost 2 years that I made the worst mistake of my profesionnal life when I resigned from my previous job…I think I really have repeated this to myself 588 times since this afternoon.
But I am thinking too I probably won’t have to have 3 to 4 hours per day of train, subway, bus anymore…and won’t suffer anymore of the lack of ressources to do properly my job as I won’t have a job :)

Marie-Antoinette is a really pleasant tea with apples and roses, 2 flavours I appreciate a lot. I like the little astringency I get on the aftertaste and the strong tea base here.
This is loose leaf I get from my mom.
I really like it even if I am not very good tonight at expressing this.
I’ll do a better note soon.
At the moment I feel like a crazy Marie-Antoinette who somehow decapited herself by making a bad choice at a bad moment 2 years ago.

200 °F / 93 °C 2 min, 0 sec

Wow! I hope things work out for you! And yes, at least you may be able to find a job with a better commute! That’s a good way of looking at things! :-)

Terri HarpLady

I’m glad you got to try this tea! Sorry to hear about the work issues, but a bet there is something even better in store for you! Hang in there, and don’t lose your head! (sorry…I just had to say that…lol)


thank you girls :) need to find something better sure even if this not easy actually


Having been there – it gets better. Stay strong, drink good tea.


thank you KS, yes I thought about you while typing this note, I remember how you were several months ago


a hug, and hope it works out. Have a good cup of tea and hold on.


Hopefully things happen for a reason and you’ll find something much better for you if the worst you anticipate does happen. Hang in there.


I feel a little guilty about clicking ‘Like this’ – not really appropriate – there should be a ‘Sympathise with this’ button. My sympathies, Ysaurella.


thank you all :)

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drank Je t'Aime by Nina's Paris
408 tasting notes

Thanks to Laurent and Mélanie from Nina’s I can taste this lovely named tea.
Irony is there : I wanted to buy the homonymous tea from Theodor and it was out of stock so here I am to taste another je t’aime proving if necessary that we can have several loves and say je t’aime to several teas (even in the same day, even in the same hour !)

Well I am not finding it strong (but it’s not weak, neither light bodied)and I am not sure if the stronger taste with this this cup is coming from the base… Laurent would you reveal us a Nina’s secret and tell us what kind of tea base is used here – It’s written Keemun on my sachet as the other teas I had from Nina’s but I am wondering …

I steeped it 4 min and it was nice, not bitterness nor astringency, until now I never had a Nina’s bitter even if I never respected the brewing instructions as with 2 minutes I found them too light for my taste.
The flavours are just perfect, delicate as always with this lovely brand but this time I think the tea base is working really better for me with these flavours.

Another caramel chocolate tea I like.

I went to the shop rue Danielle Casanova 1 week ago and it was still closed for work, I would love to take a friend of mine to have a brunch here, let’s wait so…

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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drank Lapsang Souchong by Nina's Paris
1191 tasting notes

Gahhh too much smoke. The smell is so smoky that it makes it hard to taste anything else. It’s not ashy or astringent. There is a touch of sweetness if you can get past the super smoky scent. But bah, it turns out that I really don’t like smoky tea.

No rating because I think that this would be enjoyable for people who do like smoke. Thanks to Laurent at Nina’s Tea for the sample.

Nina's Tea USA

lol, sophie said the same thing!

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drank Pisces by Nina's Paris
592 tasting notes

Thanks to Laurent for the rooibos samples! I’ve actually only had rooibos once before and did not care for it too much. Anyway, I didn’t look up what flavor this was supposed to be because I’m trying to train my nose/I like surprises. Upon smelling the dry leaves, I definitely detected the sweet tones of caramel. Likewise with the tea, there was a strong caramel scent. The caramel was not as strong in the taste of the tea, but still made for a decently sweet cuppa.

I’m not giving this an official number rating yet because I’m still trying to figure out my feelings about rooibos in general and don’t want this tea to get caught in the crossfire just yet. Good thing I have more samples to explore!

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drank Je t'Aime by Nina's Paris
676 tasting notes

Thank you Nina’s for this tea sample

I could tell when I opened the little serving packet that the aroma of the tea was quite strong. It wasn’t my first encounter with Nina’s, so I was aware that there would be a lavish amount of flavor, and that if I over-steeped the tea it could be disastrous.

A light touch, lighter than recommended, would be best.

I used a small teapot, fresh boiled spring water and a 2 minute steep which produced a very rich, smooth and creamy caramel-vanilla tea.

With no additions, the tea was sweet and smooth. With cream I would be satisfied but I couldn’t resist adding sweetening, drinking my tea the way most people would drink a flavored tea.

My easily suggestive mind began imagining salted caramels…so I went to the kitchen and looked for the sea salt because I didn’t have any pretzels or chips. I tasted the salt and sipped the tea…thinking that I’d want this salty combination or some chocolate while kicking back watching a movie. Sweet caramel and salty or dark chocolate are favorites of mine.

I don’t believe a 4 minute steep is a good idea. Tone it down to 2 minutes! (I even made 12 oz of tea instead of 8 oz with that little packet Nina’s sent me.)


I always get two good steeps out of their samples! I can see it working with 12 oz tea because I am really getting 16 ounces out of mine, per teaspoon.


I could steep it again since I did a 2 minute which was plenty strong enough for me. Can’t imagine a 4 minute steep. Too strong! No wonder people keep saying this tea is astringent with that time and 8oz water…yikes!

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drank Scorpio by Nina's Paris
391 tasting notes

This is a pretty good one, thanks for the sample Laurent. I kind of forgot it so it must have steeped like 10+ minutes but still turned out good. It totally does taste like peaches, apricot and cream but the taste changes as it cools. I tasted more cream when it was hotter and then at the end the apricot was strongest. I wonder how why they chose this flavoring for Scorpio? I would’ve thought something bolder but its nice. I like samples, I like apricot but not a lot so I don’t think I’d buy it to drink often.

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drank Je t'Aime by Nina's Paris
2970 tasting notes

Its raining, and so its time for the cozy cup of vanilla caramel warmth that is Je t’aime. Ah, just right for a day like today.
But it is, unfortunatly, a sipdown. Boo! I am now out of vanilla caramel teas.
The question is, which to restock? Well, really the question is, which to restock first……

Flavors: Caramel, Vanilla

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drank Je t'Aime by Nina's Paris
2970 tasting notes

Only the favorites today. Vanilla and caramel, one of my favorite combinations. And this is such an elegant version of it.

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drank Je t'Aime by Nina's Paris
2970 tasting notes

The late morning pot of tea. What to choose? A meh tea that I should sip down? A new flavor? No, an old favorite today. A warm sweater cup of tea, to sooth and relax.
I do love this, caramelly and vanillay and so very nice.


Yes! good choice!

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drank Je t'Aime by Nina's Paris
2970 tasting notes

Oh, last night was a beautiful night of sleep. Hurrah! And I woke up to a cold and misty morning, which are my favorite kind. So I have brewed this, my wooly sweater caramel and vanilla tea. It was made for this kind of day. Yum.

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drank Je t'Aime by Nina's Paris
2970 tasting notes

Its still raining, rare enough event around here, and so its to the smokey, caramelly vanilla-y warm sweater tea.
When I bought this, I was suspicious, and only bought a small amount. Now I feel like I am greedily parcing it out. I will need more of this, before the winter is through.
There is nothing, in my mind, quite like having a quiet morning to sit in your robe, and watch the rain, drinking lovely tea.


Agreed. Here’s to more robe time.

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drank Je t'Aime by Nina's Paris
2970 tasting notes

Good lord its windy. I feel as if I may be whisked off to Oz at any given moment, which would be a good adventure, but is very hard on ones hairdo.
I have a little midmorning break, and so I have cut myself a slice of cinnamon coffee cake, and have brewed up this.
I’ve said before that this is a wooly sweater tea, and it really is. A sophisticated blend of caramel and vanilla, and just perfection on this blustery day. I’ve been saving it for just such weather. Next rainstorm will be good for this too!
Its funny how we associate teas with weather, isnt it?


It really is. I associate tea with so many things: for example, there are teas I have that I refuse to drink at work because they are far, far too beautiful to be consumed when I’m in any other state than a purely blissful one. And then winter teas. And spring ones. etc.

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drank Je t'Aime by Nina's Paris
2970 tasting notes

A small tin of this was a gift to myself for finishing my last Camp Nanowrimo fifty thousand word first draft. An excelent gift, as my writings are always powered by tea.
The balance of caramel and vanilla is quite good. The flavors are a malty vanilla and caramel, with maybe a touch of brown sugar? Yum. This isnt a light and playful vanilla, but a dark and serious vanilla, which is not very common, in terms of tea. Its like a wooly blanket on a frosty morning. I think this will be wonderful when the weather cools down, but its pretty nice now as well.


I agree! When I reviewed this one, I said it was a vanilla tea for adults. I have had this one on my mind lately.


-hits shopping list button-


aw, c’mon….. i didn’t put a line through my post!


Oh, this sounds wonderful. I find it so interesting that we associate a tea so strongly with the weather or time of year. I feel similarly about earl greys, too; I imagine I’d enjoy them significantly more in the colder months. And yes, I’m definitely putting this on my to-try list.


This sounds super yummy (wool blanket and all!)! I love serious vanilla (I think Harney’s Vanilla Black is a bit serious too).


keychange – whenever it rains I reach for the Earl Grey — it’s an instant reaction! :)


JacquelineM, glad I’m not the only one! It would be fun to one day try and organize our tea by things like weather, mood, occasion, time of day, etc.


My youngest says she really HAS to have Lapsang in cool weather!

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drank Earl Grey by Nina's Paris
985 tasting notes

Tea of the morning…..

This one I ordered based on recommendations. I did not get in on the free sample frenzy offered by Laurent, but just jumped in with this one. I mean, it has a Keemun base. It should be a favorite. I did order through Amazon, and purchased 100g in a bag.

The bags can only be temporary storage in my opinion. They are a very heavy plastic, but one side is clear. My 100g came in two bags, and they were not even sealed other than the zip closure. Most companies heat seal them. All in all, it still works out for me because I have more tins lying around than I care to count. It was easy to pull the stickers off of one bag to put on the tin because they were small. To purchase in a tin, the price was going to jump $6 ($5 for the actual tin and a little more in the shipping.)

So far, I do like this one. It has a wonderful base, but I am still trying to wrap my brain around the bergamot. It is pretty mellow. I think I will need a few more tastes before I can place it.

All in all, a good experience. I have been wanting to try it, but so far am not wowed. Usual teapot method.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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drank Ceylon by Nina's Paris
437 tasting notes

This is a really nice everyday tea with great cherry plum fruit notes and a nice body given to it by the bop nature of it’s leaves. I’m curious as to what estate or region this tea came from as I suspect I would like the one more as I suspect it would be slightly less tannic. However as it is it would pair nicely with milk if you like a sweet fruity tea with milk.

Dry the tea is very fine bop approaching larger fannings, that smell very fruity. My first steep was about 2 minutes at about 96 degrees Celsius. The result was a clear copper red brew that smelled very fruity with notes of plum, very ripe sweet cherry, cocoa and light malt.

The scent translated into a tea with a first note of cocoa and thicker tannic malt supported by strong fruit notes underneath it with more than enough body to support milk. The fruit notes were oddly strongest when hot. Perhaps the fruit would come out more with sugar or a slightly cooler brewing temperature. The tea was only slightly astringent and was pretty smooth for a bop ceylon.

Second steep was for 2.3 minute at around 92 degrees Celsius. The fruit, cocoa and tannic malt notes were still present, but were better balanced. This steep was more astringent.

This was quite a nice tea that I would happily drink again! Thanks again Sophie and Laurent for the sample.

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drank Marie-Antoinette by Nina's Paris
676 tasting notes

Thank you Nina’s for this tea sample!

Sweet, yellow delicious apples grew outside my bedroom window facing East towards the Coast Range just shy of the Pacific Ocean.

My father, Bill, had chosen a dwarf variety…which produced so many apples, that the tree appeared to be a vine with stakes holding up the branches across the end of the house. The flesh was soft, sweet and perfumed with an almost honeysuckle scent.

No apples are so sweet, as Sun ripened!

Nina’s reminds me of those apples and the flowers I would have found in my Grandmothers garden. Roses, camilias, dogwood trees,lilys and room for her prized tomatoes. (I still have handwritten recipes for catsup and venison).

My mind wandered to Versailles. Dappled sunlight shining through the apple trees, a breeze rifting leaves like many courtesans fans.
Marie-Antoinette Tea would suit such oppulance of architecture and nature.

I didn’t find the tea too much like Apple cider. Usually apple teas are flat and bland for my taste.(Possibly some people steep longer and the tea sours?)

A delightfully elegant tea.


I’m so jealous Bonnie because I didn’t have this one with my samples from Nina’s. Fortunately my mom bought a tin of it when she visited the castle of Fontainebleau so I’ll have a sample soon :) – lovely review as always


I like your style of writing :)

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drank Quatre Fruits Rouges by Nina's Paris
391 tasting notes

Wow, this tea is sweet and fruity. I like it. The cherry really stands out and I don’t think any other tea I’ve tried so far has this strong of a cherry taste. It totally reminds me of some candy that I can’t remember the name of. I’ve been mostly drinking stuff that I’ve already had trying to “get through” the stash but wanted to finally try new tea. It’s a holiday today so I have time to enjoy the tea, good time for tasting. Thanks to Laurent for asking me what I’d like to try when I made an order. Nina’s Tea has awesome customer service!

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drank Ceylon by Nina's Paris
871 tasting notes

Another free sample from Laurent and Sophie at Nina’s Paris USA. This Ceylon tea smells slightly sweet and earthy and Ceylon-y. Ceylon has its own unique smell to me. The tea tasted bold but smooth. There was just a tinge of natural sweetness to the Ceylon. There is some malt to it, but it is not super malty. It did leave the slightest dry feeling in my mouth after swallowing but I would not describe it as astringent at all. Very good Ceylon. It makes me think it would make a great iced tea.

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 0 sec

Thank you for sending me this, Dexter3657…I so appreciate new tasting experiences!! :)


I need to taste this one, I had it with my Nina’s samples as well, I m curious about their straight teas

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