Just Organic Tea

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Here’s Hoping TTB

This is exactly what the name promises! Smooth, cool, refreshing mint. I had it hot this morning but I’m guessing it would also be excellent iced. And I love that it’s 100% organic! This one may be staying at my house…

Flavors: Spearmint

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

Love Spearmint

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Here’s Hoping Traveling Tea Box

I love green tea and I love mint. There was a tea shop when I lived in Missouri that had (well, has) a delicious mint green tea that I kept in my stash. This isn’t quite that but simple and enjoyable. The mint is there, though not as strong as I’d personally like.

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 0 sec

I cold-brewed the sample I took from another TTB. I thought it was refreshing, and the mint was pretty strong.

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A sample from Miss B! It’s still cold out today, despite the forecast predicting warmer weather for the end of the week. I arrived at work frozen, so chai seemed to be the order of the day. I used my usual western-style preparation method – 1 tsp of leaf, 4 minutes in boiling water, and a splash of milk.

As chai goes, this seems to be a pretty mild one. The main flavour I’m picking up is actually vanilla, and while it’s sweet and creamy it’s not quite what I was expecting. There’s an underlying “chai” flavour in the mid-sip, mostly cinnamon, clove and orange, but it’s not hugely prominent. While pleasant and drinkable, I think this one really need something to give it some body and zing – maybe some pepper or ginger. As it stands, it’s just a little too mild for my tastes.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec 1 tsp

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A sample from Miss B – I’m still working through the very generous (and seemingly bottomless!) box she sent me. At first I thought this one was mainly black tea, and wondered why it looked so…shiny. At this point I realised that it actually contains a very high proportion of vanilla pod pieces – maybe as much as 50% now that I’ve taken a closer look. This clearly explains the name. I gave 1.5 tsp of leaf approximately 3.5 minutes in boiling water. I added a splash of milk.

I’m pretty impressed with the flavour. I wasn’t sure how a tea with such a high proportion of vanilla would come across – whether it would taste thin because there’s not too much actual “tea”, whether the vanilla pods would even infuse well in only a few minutes. I was wrong on both counts – the black tea base is nicely malty and pairs amazingly well with the sweet, rich, creamy, fudge-like vanilla. This one reminds me a little of Whispering Pines Golden Orchid – it’s not as intense or chocolatey, but the vanilla gives it a similar dessert-like vibe. It’s definitely a pleasant tea to sip on – very enjoyable.

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec 1 tsp

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Despite the name, this blend really didn’t taste much like vanilla. The base tea is robust and malty (actually, I think I’d quite enjoy this one plain) and I’m also getting a fairly strong cocoa note from the carob bits. It’s pleasant enough, but poorly named in my opinion!

Flavors: Cocoa, Malt

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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Grab bag sample from MissB! Almost nearing the end of these, and have been so excited about them.

I had a feeling that I wouldn’t be the biggest fan of this because of the classic clashing ingredients in here, namely cinnamon and hibiscus. You see, I normally always cold steep hibiscus-based blends, and they turn out better that way because the dry tartness of the hibiscus is kept at bay this way, plus the fruits that usually accompany the hibiscus make these types of blends refreshing. But then this cinnamon throws a monkey wrench into things. It doesn’t translate the best into a cold brew. Seems out of place.

So, trying this hot, yes, the cinnamon is warming, the berries are like jam, but that hibiscus gets so syrupy and tart when steeped hot, consequently taking over the entire show. Can’t win with such a combination, I’m afraid.

I’m down to 57 freaking teas! But. My American Tea Room Black Friday order just came in so looks like that super sweet, low number didn’t last so long.


Aw, so happy that you’re happy about the grab bag stuff, even still! :)


I can’t thank you enough!

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This was a tea from Christina. Thanks Christina! Sorry I am just trying it out now. I’ve been having my teas lately but only ones I’ve already reviewed. I have plenty of samples to get through but just wasn’t in the mood to try something new until now.

So I was wondering what was in this tea and had to check it out. It’s just green tea and spearment. I also was wondering if it would be like Morrocan Tea which is green tea and peppermint. The answer: Yes and no. There are similarities but it is different as well. This is a lighter brew than a Morrocan green tea. The spearmint is lighter with a slight citrus edge to it that peppermint doesn’t have. Still very minty like a Morrocan tea with the green tea base giving it body.

An enjoyable cup!

Flavors: Citrus, Mint, Spearmint

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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Thanks to MissB for this! I was really excited for this since I love spicy teas but the base is quite astringent an the spices are rather muddled. I get mostly cinnamon bark, and no orange. I can see this being better with milk and sugar.

Don’t you find it frustrating when you try to make plans with someone but they will never solidify a time and/or place, so you end up spending an entire day (even sometimes the entire weekend) twiddling your thumbs waiting, on call, and avoiding doing anything else because that person may call you at any time when they’re personally ready to meet up, meaning you’d have to drop whatever it is you’re doing? On the bright side, it’s giving me a chance to sit down and drink a bunch of tea, which I haven’t been doing much of, as of late.

Maddy Barone

Yep, I just end up wanting to smack the lame friend who leaves me hanging. My time is valuable, if you want to make plans then by golly make plans. Don’t leave me dangling with this vague crap!


Seriously, what’s with people like that, eh? Are they really that daft and think that other people just sit in a dark pod all day waiting for someone to decide to hang out when that someone feels like it at the last minute? We have nothing better to do, I guess? Or are they that self-centred and think the world revolves around them and consciously actually think that everything should be on their time? It blows my mind.


i just let them know if i haven’t heard from them by x time, i’m off to do other things.


That’s probably the best way a person can handle it for sure, but even then, depending on the context, despite wording it in the nicest way possible, I’ve seen people giving off a passive-aggressive attitude.

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Ok whew, this does have spice in it. I was wondering if this got contaminated in any way because the first sip resulted in mass confusion. Why does a peach tea taste like cinnamon sticks? Then of course, upon looking up the ingredients list, I really this thatI’ve been misled. It’s an odd name to give to a tea without peach, regardless of the meaning.

I’m not as peachy keen on the flavour as I am on the scent. This smells much spicier than it tastes. It’s like a Christmas Yankee candle. The base is extremely light. I can’t even notice it.

Thanks, MissB!

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A sprinkle of vanilla behind a dry wood-like black base. All the flavours were smoothed out but very mute. I added some half and half to this which basically killed the vanilla. Sadface.

Thank you, thank you to MissB for throwing this one into the generous box o’ goodies!

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I made this last week in my iced tea pitcher – 2 cups of hot water, then diluted with 2 cups of cold water and stored in the fridge.

I have to admit that while I did smell the raspberry flavouring, I could barely taste it. It just tasted like a mouthful of cold tea, slightly overstrong and astringent. I forget it I added any sugar.

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I received a wonderful package from MissB the other day, full of samples from her exciting travels and other orders from around the world. Thank you so much, gorgeous!

I didn’t even know about this company so I’m looking forward to trying a few of their blends. I’m normally not that crazy of a fan of tulsi but sometimes it’s nice to sip on a refreshing herbal. This one is particularly pepperminty and peppery. It’s complete with a shot of lemon in the background.

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hmmmmm something weird in the background. I’m blaming the carob, I’m not sure what carob tastes like, but there is something funky. Nice vanilla, nice black base, and a hint of weird. Without the weird this would be crazy good, with it, it’s just ok.

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Hm. Weird tea. Got it as a sample in their Kickstarter campaign, and it’s…. better cold. A bit floral, juicy berry (can’t tell what exactly), and definitely hibiscus. There’s something in here though that’s giving me an allergic reaction, even though the ingredient list seems solid. I’ll pass off the last cup to someone else who might enjoy it more.

Flavors: Berry, Floral, Hibiscus

1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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I had 1 tsp of this left so I mixed it with the rest of the lemon myrtle I had. The lemon-basil blend turned out pretty well, actually. Just glad to get one more tea finished off.

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I’ve heard that tulsi can be very soothing and relaxing – which means that I’d love to develop a taste for it. However, it still tastes sort of weird/funky to me. I keep expecting to get a cup of diluted pesto when I brew it, but the taste is much different than what i’ve built up in my head.

This tea isn’t so bad – it’s quite sweet, actually – but I really just want to finish it off so I have one less tea in my cupboard.


I’m not sure if I’m a fan of it either, tea-wise.

Michelle Butler Hallett

I like it blended with lavender, but I gotta be I the mood.


I blend my Tulsi with lavender, too!

Christina / BooksandTea

The one time I had lavender in tea I though it was so icky I just sent the rest of the pack to someone else in a swap. To each their own, but for me, lavender is lavenblerg!

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This was interesting – it wasn’t juicy at all, like most fruit flavored teas. It was tea and flowers from the chamomile, with a tropical edge. Can’t say I tasted mango specifically, but mango is such a strongly flavored sweet fruit, I find it is not easy to duplicate in a flavoring without a lot of flavor and a lot of sugar. I even cold steeped this, which normally really enhances any fruit flavors in a tea.

Iced 8 min or more

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Sample sipdown!

I was saving this sample from their Kickstarter campaign last year, and I finally decided to drink it last night. I overleafed it, but it was still quite nice. it had a really nice juicy flavour to it, and the presence of the hibiscus wasn’t as overwhelming as I worried it would be. The interplay between the cinnamon and the blueberry was also quite nice, and the liquor was this beautiful juicy red colour.

I… I kinda wish I had known I would like this blend – if I had, I would have chosen it over some of the blends I did ask for. Ah well, one less tea in the cupboard!


Doh. Hate it when that happens. C’est la vie!

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This is hibiscus all the way. I taste a slight herbal flavor with it, but not much else. Good for iced tea, but steer clear if you were hoping for more Orange. I cold brewed,and when I do so I usually do three cups instead of four to keep the flavor strong, and this one would have done really well to be steeped that way, but with 5 cups. Maybe even 6. Then I might have tasted the orange more.

Iced 8 min or more

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Laughs bc I threw the remaining 3g of this into my Steeper, brewed it like normal, poured it over ice, and spiked it with a bit of spiced rum. Yuuuummmm :))

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Ok, finally getting around to reviewing this one. Again, my thanks go to Just Organic Teas for giving me this sample to try!

It smells flat-out wonderful. Bright, sweet mango scent with something perfume-like. The aroma is so inviting and juicy. Citrus and apricot and mango scents – basically any kind of orange fruit. As it steeps, it comes out to a light tan color and the aroma of chamomile appears. Once iced, the tea fades to a more normal green tea color – like faintly green straw.

The flavor is a little milder than I expected, but I like it. It’s not like drinking mango juice or anything. There is no tartness, but you can tell it’s made with tea in the finish. The chamomile is also present – surprisingly unmuted by the fruit. However, in my second glass, I plan on using a less ice-heavy ratio. I suppose my only critique of this would be that the mango flavor needs more of a kick.

Flavors: Citrus, Fruity, Mango

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 15 sec

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I enjoyed this, but was surprised to see that it smelled more like lemon dry than I could smell or taste it brewed. That said, the mint is the real deal. It is a bit spearminty, but frankly, real mint to me usually doesn’t have a strong flavor. It iinstead creates this cooling mint effect that is more of a feeling than a taste, kind of like drinking air conditioning. Which I LOVE in an iced tea.

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec

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drank Just Pure Green by Just Organic Tea
1013 tasting notes

Another sample from lolainred! I’ve heard her talk about this company, so I was glad for a chance to try one of their teas. Unfortunately, I made it in a hurry and I’m afraid I over-steeped it. My cup came out quite grassy and vegetal with a bitter tang to the aftertaste. Not going to rate this one, since I didn’t really give it a fair trial.

Flavors: Bitter, Grass, Vegetal

180 °F / 82 °C 4 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

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Additional notes: I thought I had left this in the HH teabox for too many rounds and was a little worried about it ( it was the only tea I left in for that long) because it is in the Fort Knox of tea pouches and one of those small tea shops. It turns out, I’m glad I left it in that long because this tea still tastes FANTASTIC. I have no idea how, especially as it has traveled so much in the teabox, it’s a green tea and it is organic. But somehow it still tastes so fresh! I’ll be enjoying what remains anyway…

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