Joy's Teaspoon

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drank Sunny Passion by Joy's Teaspoon
440 tasting notes

Another great one that I got from Indigobloom. After my first sip I said out loud “oh wow I like this one.” Halfway through the cup now and I still feel the same way. The fruit notes blend to the point that I can’t distinguish but you know what? I don’t care. I’m being lazy on trying and proud of it because this is a delicious tea and I just want to enjoy it. And yes, Indigobloom, I’m going to try a second steep!

185 °F / 85 °C 2 min, 0 sec

LOL this one totally took me by surprise, since it’s one we didn’t ‘see’ today :P
Glad you like it!!

Tina S.

I am an international woman of myst, I mean, surprises! :D

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I got this one as a sample from Joy’s teaspoon, Wow! its good, i couldnt drink it warm tho i had to make this one up and have it over ice, go figure Creamsicle has to be cold lol very Good tho specially if you like orange, i love orange.

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drank Mahalo by Joy's Teaspoon
1759 tasting notes

What a treat!!!
For the first time in ages I was actually craving something green, and light. Maybe I haven’t had enough veggies today.
This really matches my tea craving at the moment. Very fruity. The pineapple adds that touch of sweetness, really playing into the green.
The second steep was more or less the same, except smoother. The third was getting a bit weak, but also had that natural tea sweetness that often emerges in later steepings.
I’m impressed with how well everything fits together in this tea. Whoever created the blend really knows how to accent a the natural flavour components.
Big thank you to QuiltGuppy for sharing!!

180 °F / 82 °C 1 min, 30 sec
Indigobloom I’m so craving more of this right now, but being so late in the evening I can’t! Distance doth make the heart grow fonder, right?

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I finished the last of my sample of this today. What a sweet pleasant floral tea. I tasted everythign I stated in my previous note.

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This tea has a very light flavor. I LOVE the smell — like a spring garden. I clearly smell the different floral notes. In taste I can find the rose but not the jasmine. In the first steep I could clearly make out the floral notes but the tea flavor was in the background. In the second steep the tea is in the forefront and flavors are less obvious.

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This blend was super simple but for a cinnamon junkie like me, it was heaven in a teacup. It wasn’t overdone but still had tons of spicy flavor. There was a really nice “baked” quality that definitely brought cinnamon rolls to mind.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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drank Mahalo by Joy's Teaspoon
230 tasting notes

I am sitting at work feeling the ocean breeze! This tea is so sweet and yummy without any sugar.

I made this in a giant pitcher that sits on my desk. I will enjoy sipping from this all day.

I am not to sure of water temp as I just used the hot water from the dispenser at work.

2 min, 30 sec

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drank Magic Moon by Joy's Teaspoon
230 tasting notes

This is a lightly flavored tea. I good mix of black and green tea leaves. Not super able to taste the different fruits – but I can tell they are present. It is slightly sweet without adding any sugar.

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I just watched the episode and the end cracked me up!


I love the Tea Show! They rock! :)

The Tea Show

@JoysTeaspoon It cracks me up too! We totally forgot to say anything about Thanksgiving!

@KeenTeaThyme Thank you so much! We love you too! :)

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drank Japanese Cherry by Joy's Teaspoon
4843 tasting notes

This is a pretty decent cherry flavored green tea. I like that the cherry flavor is somewhat subdued here, it doesn’t taste sickly sweet or artificial. It has a very light flavor – and the sencha tastes sweet and smooth. A very pleasant tea this afternoon… channeling my “inner spring.”

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drank Sun Kissed Jasmine by Joy's Teaspoon
541 tasting notes

Ah, so today has been declared as a lazy day! I still have eight more of these before it is back to school! This one is sure to be a crazy one because I’m taking two upper division courses. They are also the first ones I’ve taken. I’m also starting my study into oolong and these Chinese names everywhere are making my head spin a bit. Japanese I can handle since I’ve taken courses, but this is an entirely different beast. lol
This will be my last cup from this sample! I’m trying to clean out my tea collection. I have really enjoyed smelling this tea. It has an interesting and bold smell. I noted before that it says jasmine, but I’m still searching for it (a plus for me!). It has floral, sweet, tangy and citrus notes that all stand out.
I’ve noticed that the green tea base for this is not too finicky; which is something to be thankful for! I find that I have a hard time judging temperature sometimes and this may have been a bit over the recommended temperature.
The flavor of this is very enjoyable. All of the interesting parts of the smell have translated quite well to the liquor. I thing this would be yet another of my recommendations for tea beginners. Mostly because it is easy to brew and quite satisfying. I think this would also be a great tea for people trying to avoid sweets.

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drank Sun Kissed Jasmine by Joy's Teaspoon
541 tasting notes

I got this sample in my swap with DJBooth. :) The dry smell has an almost alcoholic note to it. Needless to say, it smells interesting! I needed something to celebrate since I just did so well on my test! This seemed to be sweet and citrusy so this will be my cup of celebration.
The dry leaf is very fragrant. The name says jasmine, but I can’t smell any jasmine; which is fine with me b/c I don’t always like jasmine.
The liquor is just as sweet smelling as the leaf was. I’m actually looking forward to this because it is not something I would pick for myself, but smells very nice. Holy cow! This stuff is super super tasty!!! The sip I took has so many different flavors. I can’t exactly tie any of this down, but dang! It has a very light and bright flavor profile.
Even though the end of my brew was done at a higher than usual temperature this tea has no bitterness. Very solid citrus-type flavor. No jasmine to be seen! >:)

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec

Congrats on doing well on your test! Glad you chose an appropriate tea to celebrate!


:D Thank you!

The DJBooth

Congrats and glad you enjoyed :)


This tea is a good example of why I love surprise type of things when I trade for tea. It’s because I’d have never picked this myself!

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drank Enchanted Forest by Joy's Teaspoon
1120 tasting notes

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drank Enchanted Forest by Joy's Teaspoon
1120 tasting notes

I really want to love this, but I don’t think I can. This would be a perfect medley of flavors, but whatever method was used to add the almond just ruined it completely — it tastes completely unnatural and weird.

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drank Enchanted Forest by Joy's Teaspoon
1120 tasting notes

The first of the samples I just got from Joy’s Teaspoon!

Even dry, this tea has a lot going on: lots of small green leaves with liberal sprinkles of red and blue. And the ALMONDS, oh dear, the almonds. It reminded me of sniffing pure almond extract! I love almonds, mind you, but it was a little much and I wonder what the smell would be like if the almond didn’t overpower everything else.

The taste is also mostly almond, but it doesn’t completely overwhelm the rest of the flavors. I notice a light flowery taste and some kind of berry (although given that there’s no mention of berries on the ingredient list, I assume that’s an illusion). There’s a pleasant light sweetness to it as well, and I feel no need to add anything else to make it sweeter.

My sample will make another cup or two, so I’m going to hold off on giving this a number rating until I’m out of it.

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drank Mulled Wine by Joy's Teaspoon
1120 tasting notes

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drank Mulled Wine by Joy's Teaspoon
1120 tasting notes

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drank Mulled Wine by Joy's Teaspoon
1120 tasting notes

My third sample! I should probably start this out by saying that I don’t really drink alcohol and thus have no idea what mulled wine is supposed to taste like. But I like the IDEA of mulled wine and the combination of flavors here sounded good, so I figured it was worth a try.

And… wow! I’ve always said that I’d drink more if booze didn’t taste so much like alcohol (and I’m sure some doesn’t, but I’m in college and here, booze means cheap beer). This blend doesn’t really smell or taste like tea at all, and not just in the obvious sense of it being a tisane — I would assume it was hot juice if I didn’t know any better.

As for how I’d describe the taste: super fruity, tart, and just a tad spicy. It makes me pucker my lips a bit, but I like that. This is a drink with presence. I was a little bit doubtful about how much I’d enjoy this one, but I’m in love and I wish I had more than two or so more cups’ worth so I could spend my entire winter with this. (And yes, this is very much a fall/winter tisane. I can’t imagine drinking it iced or during warm months.)

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drank Formosa Oolong by Joy's Teaspoon
1120 tasting notes

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drank Formosa Oolong by Joy's Teaspoon
1120 tasting notes

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drank Formosa Oolong by Joy's Teaspoon
1120 tasting notes

Another lovely sample from the lovely Naomi at Joy’s Teaspoon! I wish I could say something beyond the store’s description, but it’s pretty spot-on. This is a nice, pleasant oolong with a surprising lightness and a slight flavor of sweetness, flowers, and spices. I can’t see myself going out of my way to get more, but it’s yummy.

4 min, 0 sec

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Made a cup this morning to give myself a few minute’s break from my children and the screaming of Diego. The smell brought me back from the brink and the taste is amazing.

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