Choice Organic Teas

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A nice English Breakfast tea though I’m not sure I’ll make this my standard. I’m not a great fan of the plastic mesh pyramid bags (I prefer something that decomposes).

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Smells interesting. Like a swamp murder. Tastes like dragon piss. I tried it black, with sugar, with milk, with milk and sugar, with Jameson, and came to the conclusion that I am not a Lapsang Souchong girl. Banished it to the top of the refrigerator because it was stinking up all the other lovelies in my tea nook. Has since been relocated to the trash bin.

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Finished up my box of this one. It was always nice to have around for those times when I wanted a cup of something warm and soothing and not exactly subtle, but not too strong or flavored either. I’ll have to look for something similar to occupy the same place in my cupboard! A houjicha would probably fit the description nicely…

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I think this is the same thing as Twig Tea by Choice Organic, which is already in the system. They must have recently changed the packaging, because it’s now sold as Twig Kukicha in stores.

This is a good, simple toasted tea. The toastiness is very much present in both the aroma and flavor, and there’s a touch of creaminess and toasted rice. The brew is rich without being strong. I’d call it the comfort food of teas.

I originally purchased this because I was curious about Lupicia’s kukicha, but wanted to try a budget version first to see if I liked this type of tea in general. It turned out to be highly enjoyable, but I’m not sure a down-to-earth, hard-to-get-wrong tea like this would be improved by coming from a fancier brand. So I might just stick with this one in the future.

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drank Twig Tea by Choice Organic Teas
2816 tasting notes

I have so many things to do and have been procrastinating like crazy, as is my wont…

I could be much more productive if I blocked everything about tea and my personal social media accounts from my computer! But it shall not be!

Anyway this tea has been in my cupboard for a while now. I drank it years ago and decided to pick up a box recently to revisit it. It is pleasant and has a roasted, nutty and slightly vegetal taste. I used to drink it all the time with soymilk. Now it reminds me of soba (roasted buckwheat) tea or the roasted dandelion I had recently. If you’re a fan of roasty type teas, you could do worse than a cup of this. I will probably finish the box eventually, it is nice for evening time too due to the low caffeine content.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

I know what you mean about tea-related procrastination!


dont worry, you are not alone ;)


lol… I know I find some similar minded people here ;)


Bonus points for using wont correctly in a sentence! (We are a literate bunch here, aren’t we?)

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I enjoyed this, it was very nutty. But it had an almost smokey taste that was a hair reminiscent of coffee. I probably won’t repurchase, but will enjoy what I have. Recommended for those who like strong tea.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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Dug this one out of the deep recesses of my tea cabinet (yes, I actually have dedicated an entire kitchen cupboard to my absurd tea collection). Brought it to work because I want to get rid of it.

It’s unique, and it sticks with you, certainly. But it’s not a great summer tea. The smokiness lingers in my mouth for a long time. Much better for winter.

Flavors: Bitter, Char, Smoke, Wood

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It turns out that the other intern who is working with me this semester and I have a lot in common, including being total tea nuts. Yayyyyy! Now we have stuff to talk about during those excruciating periods of down time in the mornings. Plus, it’s tea. Which I love.

Anyway, this tea has really grown on me. I’m really digging the smoky black teas lately. Mate, lapsang souchong, black-and-mate blends… I love ’em.

Something about the winter makes me crave them. Maybe it’s because they remind me of fireplaces. The smokiness makes me think of warmth, which is what I want in the winter. It makes sense, right?

I like the taste this tea leaves in my mouth. It’s like an old-man tea, but whatever. I’m old in my soul.

Boiling 2 min, 30 sec

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Ummmm. Wow. This is definitely a unique tea. I would say that it is closest in flavor to traditional yerba mate. Very smoky and strong! Kind of tough to take first thing in the morning, but maybe it’ll grow on me.

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2 min, 15 sec

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Subtle woody flavor, one of my favorites.

Flavors: Wood

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I’m obsessed with chai blends lately. I guess I’m waiting for winter to finish up around here and let spring have a chance.

As I’ve remarked before, nothing particularly special about this one. Choice is a pretty failsafe organic option if I’m ever on the go, but I’ve yet to try a blend from them that is really memorable, save for their lapsang souchong Russian Caravan. I wish the spices were just a little bit stronger in this, but it’ll do.

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I had this lovely moment of total peace this morning while I was waiting for my water to boil. Two of my housemates were making their breakfast in the kitchen with me, and we were all doing something different, but it felt so quiet and lovely and homey.

Anyway. I acquired 2 bags of this tea from my school’s cafeteria. I’ve had a few of Choice’s blends before and been quite pleased. This one smells like your average chai. It steeps a nice amber color.

Sipping… Good. I’m picking up ginger, more so than in any other chai I’ve tried. There is also something almost marine about it, too, although that may be my school’s heavily treated water poking through.

Hmmm. Just your basic chai, I’d say. Good for when you are in a rush on a cold day.

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drank Oolong by Choice Organic Teas
152 tasting notes

Tasted more like an assam than an oolong to me, still quite nice. Medium bodied, pleasant flavor. It’s a more oxidized oolong but not too heavily so, and with a bit of roastiness. Good quality for a bagged tea.

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Makes a rich, deep cup. Almost black, with a body close to coffee.

Boiling 4 min, 45 sec

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Smells like lox. Tastes like lox. Maybe I should try this with cream cheese.
I wanted a smoky tea, but this might be too much for me.

Brewed for 1 min 45 sec with boiling water, then added almond milk and sugar.

200 °F / 93 °C 1 min, 45 sec

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This is a “whatever” tea. I’m indifferent. I got it in the college cafeteria, so what does that tell you?

It’s a plain light tea. Pretty good with a lemon wedge and some honey, but nothing special.

I like Choice Organic’s Earl Grey much better.

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An easy-drinking, fresh, full-flavored decaf tea that tastes like real tea and not some processed or watered-down stuff. A nice cup for just before bed.


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