Wild Forest Black

Tea type
Black Tea
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Tea Bag
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Fair Trade, Kosher, Organic
Edit tea info Last updated by laurenpressley
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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From Choice Organic Teas

Awaken your senses with this rare tea, rich in flavor and history, from ancient tea trees growing deep in the forests of Southeast Asia. Generations of local people have climbed these wild tea trees to pluck their leaves. Now you can enjoy this refreshing cup that’s smooth, yet hearty. Drink in its enduring energy.

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13 Tasting Notes

6768 tasting notes

BB (Bagged Bonanza) #2 for today!

I needed a stronger Black Tea (in a bag because of my BB and broken Hot water source) and thought I would have a cup of this!

See previous notes…

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735 tasting notes

I found this while my boyfriend and I were giggling-drunk in the health food section of the grocery store. I was intrigued with the name of the tea at the time, so it found its way into my basket. (Despite the fact that I have so many other teas to be reviewed!)

This is actually my second time drinking it. I took it with me to work in a 16-ounce cup. I underestimated the strength of it and used two bags, which was a MISTAKE. It was so strong that I had to gulp some and add more water. But after that, it was great.

Like I said, this is a strong black tea that does not kid around. Perfect for your first cup of the day, especially if it’s cold outside and you have things to do. (The caffeine content is delightfully high.) After barely four minutes, it’s very dark, almost like coffee or a puerh. The flavor is malty and caramel-like, especially in the aftertaste. It certainly has a bitterness to it, but I crave that sort of thing. This is an especially good black tea for something bagged, I think. I’m actually pretty surprised by it, since it’s something from the grocery store. This might end up as my go-to convenience tea for those mornings where I just don’t feel like dealing with an infuser.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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4843 tasting notes

A robust cuppa! A great first cup. Strong and bold and malty. Nice baked flavor in the background.

A nice one.

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3010 tasting notes

This was a gift from the extensive and famous Teaequalsbliss collection, and I was grateful to try it!

Steeped the recommended 5 minutes, this is dark, almost ebony, and rich and thick. There’s not a bit of fruit in it, but it made me hold my tongue the same way I would if I was eating a bowl of black cherries. A very good black tea with subtleties you wouldn’t want to miss by having it too early in the morning.


…unless your early morning cup is the second steep. Pretty thin and not nearly as interesting. One-shot wonder.


I didn’t go for a second steep but thought the first was really good, bag or no bag.

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1719 tasting notes

Houston, Tranquility base here. The Eagle has landed. That’s code for envelope from TeaEqualsBliss arrived loaded with much joy! I bought Choice teas before I joined Steepster but not since, so I have never logged any of them. This one, I have never even seen before now. It is a bagged version in a paper envelope. Ingredients listed as Organic Black Tea.

First off, the provided brewing instructions (For best results brew 4-5 minutes) will result in a really harsh cup of tea. I went 3 minutes and even at the shorter steep this is very astringent. Cotton mouth astringent. If I had another bag of this I would try 1-2 minutes.

Now on to the positives. This is pleasantly malty. It also has an interesting taste that to me tastes like leather similar to the Teavivre mini toucha – a first with a black tea for me. I think with a little patience and brewing artistry (getting the most out of a bag is as much an art as it is with loose leaf) this would be a really nice cup.


I LOVE that you are liking these! It makes me want to send you more!!! :)


Greatly appreciative of your kindness.

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111 tasting notes

To be honest, I usually don’t like straight black tea. It’s too bold and kind of bitter to me. But a good English Breakfast and good black tea, once adjusted to the perfect taste, is great. And this happens to be that tea!

Smell: You know, since it was bagged, I didn’t take the time to really smell it, but what I did get was just a smooth, bold black tea smell. But good, you know?

Taste: It’s rich, a bit sweet with a nice strong flavor. I added a little bit of honey, no sugar this time (see, I can enjoy tea with no sugar! Though I have to think back on that because I may have? I’m almost 100% positive I didn’t though) and it came out amazingly well. The honey gave it a pleasant flavor and smoothed out some of the bitter that I find in straight black teas. And it had the slight caffiene kick I needed, and it was just really yummy for a black tea! Unfortunately, I only have one more bag………:-(

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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92 tasting notes

This tea is wonderful for mornings when you’re cranky and haven’t gotten enough sleep and happen to be behind on your wordcount for Camp NaNoWriMo.

To be honest, I’m a bit biased, since I love Choice and black teas, but this tea does have a strong, rich flavor that’s really great for when you’re on your feet but not awake. I like to drink my blacks with milk, and this pairs wonderfully with a bit of milkfat (I do 2%, but whole would be even better).

And, you know, Choice’s bags are 100% compostable and the covers are 100% recyclable. …I know, I’m sounding like a hippie, but sometimes you have to celebrate the little things. Good tea + good packaging = love.


i think a store right nearby carries this brand… i have had perilously little sleep lately…. you should see how happy my garden is with all the steepings turned into the soil, lol.

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828 tasting notes

Terrific, strong cup of tea. It’s smooth and not too acidic. Somehow I found it both bold and mellow. I think this is the brand of choice tea with the most personality of any of the ones I’ve tried.

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