I am coming to think this is easily the best tea in the herbal sampler. It’s definitely blueberry. It’s not as tart as some of the others, even when steeped at the maximum recommended steep time. Blueberries are a bit tart to begin with so it doesn’t seem overly odd for a blueberry herbal to be tart. As opposed to some of the other herbals in this sampler where the tartness seems more out of place.

I’d already put my computer to sleep last night before I made this herbal so I couldn’t check and see how long I’d steeped it last time. I went with the maximum recommended steeping time because I remembered several of the herbals from this sampler being too light at the minimum (4 min). It stood up to the longer steeping well. A bit too tart and vaguely berried initially, as it cooled the blueberry really came out and blended well with the tartness. I may try steeping it 30 seconds less next time, but I don’t think it will need to go any lower.

200 °F / 93 °C 6 min, 0 sec
I ♥ NewYorkCiTEA 15 years ago

Bumped up the rating from high “drinkable” to mid “decent and drinkable”.

gmathis 15 years ago

Good iced for summer, too.

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I ♥ NewYorkCiTEA 15 years ago

Bumped up the rating from high “drinkable” to mid “decent and drinkable”.

gmathis 15 years ago

Good iced for summer, too.

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I’m 33 years old, studying pharmacy, and have a surly cat named Bin. I love tea, coffee, beer, wine, and most things food and beverage related. I also love music, movies, reading, writing, and learning new things.

I’ve drank tea all my life but about five to six years ago, my close friend Spautz got into tea and got me more into tea. I drink black teas and tisanes/herbals most. Since receiving a variable temperature kettle from my parents for Xmas this past year, I’ve been drinking more greens, oolongs, and whites. I’m very very new to puerh. That is, I’ve had only one.

Ratings scale:
90-100 Awesome
80-90 Great
70-80 Good
60-70 Nice
50-60 Decent
40-50 Drinkable
30-40 Meh
0-30 Awful

Would I order this again ranking:
5 – definitely
4 – likely
3 – maybe
2 – neutral
1 – no


Charleston, SC

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