I have quite a bit of this one left in my tin and was running low in my stocks of the usual cold brewing suspects so I thought, why not give it a shot?
I cold steeper overnight for about 18 hours. The result is a rather ugly shade of yellowy brown, but the smell was the usual spicy smell so I got past the colour…
The result is good, but compared to this tea hot brewed, nothing special. The spice really comes through first, while the mint is almost an afterthought (and it kind of coats the throat wierdly…).
Overall, not a bad experiment, but I think that I will save this for hot brewing.

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4th year Commerce student at Queen’s University, interning on Bay St for the summer.
Just returned from a 6 month European exchange/adventure, combatting the tea withdrawal the only way I know how- a DAVIDs shopping spree!

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