drank Passion by Tazo
95 tasting notes

I was desperate for something that I could drink from Starbucks without feeling super guilty about it afterwards, and this is what I came up with, and I am glad that I did! This tastes very similar to KANPE from DAVIDs, very tart and fruity. It comes in a bag but there are some large pieces in the bag so it appears to at least be very high quality bagged tea. All in all, a good tea and it will for sure be my starbucks order from now on (you know, for the three times a year I happen to find myself in Starbucks…)

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4th year Commerce student at Queen’s University, interning on Bay St for the summer.
Just returned from a 6 month European exchange/adventure, combatting the tea withdrawal the only way I know how- a DAVIDs shopping spree!

Follow me on Twitter for many tea-related tweets! @Chelseywilson77
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