141 Tasting Notes

drank Organic Houjicha by Hibiki-an
141 tasting notes

Great Canadian Travelling Tea Box (pt.1)
I had this tea Feb 3rd

Dry leaf: The leaves are brown and have a very nice and grassy scent.
Steeped: The water is a clear brown color and has a grassy scent. The taste of the tea is sooth, and has extremely subtle hints of lingering spice.

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drank Birthday Cake by Butiki Teas
141 tasting notes

Great Canadian Travelling Tea Box (pt.1)
I had this tea on Jan 29th

Dry Leaf: This herbal tisane is a wonderful burst of colors. The leaves apparently, I found out, are marshmallow leaves. The tea is sprinkled with blue, green, red, and is so wonderful to look upon. The red safflowers are gorgeous and have a sweet, flowery scent.

Steeped: The water is a nice and bright yellow. I didn’t really notice a scent, except for some subtle scents of mint. The taste of the tea also seemed to be minty, as well as a lemon-y and vanilla taste. I wouldn’t say that this tea tasted like birthday cake, but it was still a good tea to have tried.

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Great Canadian Travelling Tea Box (pt.1)
I had this tea on Nov 30th and Jan 28th

Dry Leaf: Green tea leaves and rooibos leaves which give off a sweet scent. There are also flower petals with the leaves.
Steeped: The flavors are nice and subtle, with hints of caramel taste which is not overpowering. The water is a nice dark green color and a sort of sweet scent. The caramel is nice and velvety and soothing and lingers in the mouth.

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drank Smoky Bacon by Man Teas
141 tasting notes

Great Canadian Travelling Tea Box (pt.1)
I drank this tea on October 6th…. really was not a fave of mine. I Don’t even think that I really even finished a whole cup… could not withstand it :p.

Dry leaf: Black tea leaves with imitation bacon bits. The scent is a very heavy and smoky scent, it was like being in a smokehouse infused into the leaves. I would describe it as very pungent.
Steeped: Super pungent in the sense of the smoky scent, I found it smelled like armpits. I tried a few sips and was grossed out. Yuckkk.

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So yet another tea from the Great Canadian Travelling Tea Box (pt. 1).
I really rather loved this tea and need to get my hands on more. I had this tea on October 8th and Jan 28th. I really had fun having this tea and was able to re-steep it too, so more awesome!

Dry leaf: the tea was in a tea bag, but i was still able to note the sweet scent, which I find really alluring to my senses.
Steeped: When steeped, the scent is both sweet and subtle. The water is a dark color, brown with purple-y tints. The tea itself is both sweet and surprisingly light for a black tea. The taste is also solid in the the berry sense.

I really found the tea’s taste perfect, it was not too sweet flavor-wise. It was very soothing. And like I said, it is alluring and entrancing to taste and smell.


I put some of the decaf blackberry sage in the recent version of the box which I think made it’s way to you fairly recently. Curious if they taste the same or similar.


I’’ll Let you know…. thats a tea that’s for sure in the pile of teas to try. And I like a good decaf once in a while… so we shall see if it is as good as this one _

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drank Lychee by Lupicia
141 tasting notes

So this tea is another one from the Great Canadian Travelling Tea Box (pt.1) .
I had this lovely tea on two occasions, October 6th and March 3rd.

Dry Leaf: The tea leaves are black and have a sweet scent, which is fruity and sugary.
Steeped: The color of the water is a dark amber and has a sweet & musky-like smell. The tea itself has a full body with subtle sweetness. The taste is both good and harmonious.

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So this is yet another tea from the Great Canadian Travelling tea box ( 1st edition). I am sort of late with posting these tealogs up here, but it’s better later than never. I consumed this tea on October 4, 2013.

Dry Leaf: The tea leaves are in a tea bag that is transparent. It has green leaves that give off a sweet scent, which would be due to the maple.

Steeped: The smell becomes grassy, and the taste is a blend of grassy and sweet, which would be the maple playing off of the green tea leaves.

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So this tea, right from reading the name, I was stoked to try it out. And it didn’t disappoint. Thus far I could say that this tea is one of the number 1’s from the Great Canadian Travelling Tea box. Such a wonderful idea, it has opened me up to new teas. I really want to get my hands on more of this wondrous creation. I consumed this tea on Oct 2 & 3 2013. It was a marvelous 2-day event :)

Dry leaf: Dark, like super dark oolong leaves, with kind of a purple-y tinge to it, which I would then deduce, hence the name purple oolong.

Steeped: from a first glance, the water appears to be brownish with a purple tinge. The taste was just PHENOMENAL. Just saying, I was soothed and entranced by this mystical tea. I guess I could describe it as a kind of woodsy taste, maybe just ever slightly bitter and sort of smoky.

Re-Steep 1: This time around it was slightly more subtle, yet still soothing. The only difference? It was slightly sweeter the second time around :)

Re-Steep 2: Lighter than the steep and re-steep. The scent is just so yummy and the taste is yet again subtle. The aroma of the tea is spicy and becomes even more sweet.


Nice review, I liked this one lot too!


Yeah, this one is one of my faves by far _

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drank Silver Buds Yabao by Verdant Tea
141 tasting notes

So this is also from the Great Canadian Travelling Tea Box. I consumed this yea on Oct. 1, 2013. This tea had me on the fence, as I felt I couldn’t fully grasp the flavor. I chose this as my second tea to try because it piqued my interest.

Dry Leaf: This was an interesting leaf, as it was something I had never seen before. It was little yellow-y, white buds that had a sweet scent.

Steeped: It was light in flavor and color, there was a really subtle taste of spices, but it was very subtle. And I got kind of an earthy feel from this tea.

Again, I will have to try this tea again at some point, but it was pretty interesting.

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drank Berry Basil Blast by Teavana
141 tasting notes

I got to try this tea from the travelling tea box, Canadian edition.

Dry Leaf: Strawberry chunks, white tea leaves, flowers is all just a punch of color. This tea smells super fruity and slightly citrus-y. It is almost like fruit punch and has a sweet scent.

Steeped: Scent is more sour when the I poured the hot water into my teapot. The water has a nice light pink color. The taste of this tea was pretty sour.

To counter the sourness, I added a bit of honey, which kind of made it taste better. I think I would have better appreciated this tea if there was more of a sweet component.

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Tea enthusiast, I love all things tea. Hot, iced or in a food of mine… if it’s tea, I love it. I have a fascination with tea and the many wonderful flavors I just haven’t gotten around to yet.





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