Ah, mulled wine.
The first time I ever had actual mulled wine was at a restaurant nearby. They had sangria on the menu so I decided to order that, only to find out they didn’t have any because it ’wasn’t in season’. They then suggested mulled wine as an alternative cause you know, it ‘was the next best thing’.
Biggest mistake ever. I hated it. It tasted downright awful.
So you can imagine my enthusiasm when I tried the DAVIDsTEA version of mulled wine.
It had potential – after all it didn’t smell bad. It had lots of zest (I can imagine from the oranges) and lots of cinnamon.
I was half expecting it to taste like the mulled wine I remember having, but it was actually quite the opposite. It was light with a lot of cinnamon. I could taste a bit of orange with ginger and clove but hardly any oolong, which was disappointing. It also did not remind me of wine one bit.
I didn’t hate this tea but I did not enjoy it either and don’t see myself having this one again.