drank Strawberry Ginger by DAVIDsTEA
1271 tasting notes

I was upsold on this tea – dammit! I wasn’t planning on getting this one – I was actually going to pass as I thought “ehhh.. weird combination, and ginger sounds too funky” despite myself being a ginger lover.

But the smell of the tea leaves at the store + the salesgal sold me.

Smell (dry leaves) – fruity with that weird ginger skin smell (very slight). Overall, interestingly appealing.

Steeped – hmm.. Gogi Pop? Very fruity and sweet.. mmm.. very sweet smell. Steeps a pretty light pink.

Taste – fruity – the apple and berries come out, not tart at first. the blackberry really adds a different dimension of fruity that’s quite nice. Of course, the ginger comes out at the end as a little zing and aftertaste and then some tart hits the throat. Not sweet like Gogi pop though. This team is nicely refreshing hot. Might be that theory on stuff with a little zing cools the body? I dunno.

After half the cup.. I’m reminded of strawberry/raspberry ginger ale but without the sweetness. Yes.. that is the best way to describe this tea! Geeze DAVIDsTea.. you could advertise it like that and might scare people off less. The ginger taste is more real ginger, like those good expensive glass bottle local ginger ales vs. fakey stuff.

Overall – this would be nice iced with a bit of sweetner to be an interesting cool drink. Oooh.. or maybe good mixed with some club soda and fake that strawberry ginger ale.

I’m oddly intrigued by this tea. It’s a caffeine free tea (herbal) that doesn’t have Chamomile or Rooibos. That wins points as I’m not a rooibos person and I’m picky about chamomile (and tired of it).

I’m gonna try it with sweetner and iced, see if it adds to it. Maybe play with steeping time to see if the ginger would come out more, and reduce tart with a shorter time.
I really miss Fruity gingerales as I haven’t found them in diet yet.. and hey, this tea has no calories and tastes like ginger ale! But overall, I almost wish it was more sweet, like Gogi Pop’s melony sweet bits. Who’d I recomend too? Well.. before the gingerale connection, I would of said for the brave peeps, especially if you like ginger. Now, with the gingerale connection – hey, if you like that strawberry/raspberry gingerale, give it a shot.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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I’m a tea blogger – The Oolong Owl
www.OolongOwl.com – I do tea reviews, obsessively photograph teas with mischievous crocheted Owls and get tea drunk. I am also a crochet and knitting designer at Awkward Soul Designs.

To contact me for reviews, check out details at OolongOwl.com/about or email me at char@oolongowl.com

I was raised on floral oolongs and green teas, mostly “beauty” teas. Early on as a kid, I can guzzle an entire pot of tea (or two) at a Chinese or Japanese restaurant.
These days I like adventurous and interesting tea blends. I’m fearless in trying new teas! I’m into oolong, pu’erh, white, green, black, guayusa, mate and herbals. I’m not into red rooibos but I keep buying it anyway.

The tea brand that got me started into loose leaf teas was DAVIDsTea. I used to live in Vancouver Canada and had access to their shop, however that is now limited since I moved to southern California.

However, the perks of living in the US is ultra cheap, fast shipping! Since then, my tea stash insanely expanded.

Other stuff I’m into that sneaks into my tea notes: Brazilian jiu-jitsu, metal music, drawing, painting, cooking, photography and nail polish.

BTW, my Steepster cupboard is not even close to accurate and I track my teas on a spreadsheet. Last update 573 Teas – August 2015.


Seattle, WA USA



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