Encouraged by Sil’s comment on Maple Maple, I tried this one with maple syrup as sweetening this morning. I do not normally drink any black tea that requires sugar as I enjoy plain tea more, but some breakfast teas with Assam are a lot better to me with sugar. Hubby was home and i offered him some, too. He rarely drinks black tea since he only likes it with milk and sugar with few exceptions, but he liked this one with maple syrup a lot.
I like that Maple Maple tastes like maple and tastes sweet without any sugar, but since I can’t get more, this is a really nice, comforting replacement. I think Lapsang or Bohea will be even better than this one with maple syrup added. Thanks, Sil!
just don’t pull a variaTEA and add like a tablespoon lol. i don’t like adding things to my tea eiher..but i make an exception for smokey teas…