I haven’t had this in a while but for the past few days hubby and I have been making a large tetsubin of tea and doing yoga together by candlelight with Pandora playing before bed. I am trying to spring back from this blasted upper respiratory thing and get back in decent shape. I picked this one tonight. We typically have green, white, or oolong together, rarely black tea.
This still has a delicate creaminess, but I tasted something tonight I don’t remember picking up before. In previous notes I said it had a light nutty flavor, perhaps walnuts, but tonight I am definitely getting a fruity note. The last tea in the tetsubin was a plain Bai Mu Dan but I did actually make the tea in a smaller pot and resteep the leaves to combine the two steeps in the tetsubin. The last tea in that small pot was Palace of Roses, but I rinsed it before making this. I wonder if it still could have added flavor to the tea? If it did, it was a brilliant accident because this is amazing. I see another note that mentions this tea tasting floral. I feel like I am getting a light fruity note for sure. I will have to try this again and see if I get the same thing.
It is rather romantic, especially with Pandora playing my yoga radio station. Until an ad jars us to reality! We have the tetsubin behind us on the floor with our cups and we drink tea between sets.
Wow, the tea + yoga by candlelight sounds so wonderfully romantic!
Awww, that IS SO romantic! :)
It is rather romantic, especially with Pandora playing my yoga radio station. Until an ad jars us to reality! We have the tetsubin behind us on the floor with our cups and we drink tea between sets.
Nice! I use Pandora with my yoga practice :)
Sounds interesting. I love the name. Also, I hope you feel better soon.