drank Marie-Antoinette by Nina's Paris
3368 tasting notes

I have had this for about three weeks, but I waited to review because I thought I had done something wrong. (Hang in there, I didn’t do anything wrong but there was a very fixable problem – solution is thanks to Rashad.)

The first two times I tried it, it was anything but delicate. It wrestled my tongue into a headlock and tried to cut it with a shiv. It was some very aggressive tea. But it wasn’t the base, it was the flavoring. I had loved, I say LOVED, every other Nina’s Tea I had tried. Other people loved it. Rashad loved it. What was wrong with me? I served it to a guest, and they said, “Meh.”

Then Frank’s teas started getting some off comments and he said maybe people could try airing it for a bit.

Rashad’s tin of Marie-Antoinette arrived and it was “anything but delicate”, while his sample had been quite good. He decided to air the tin, and when I saw his note I decided to try it, too.

All the difference in the world! That is what it made, indeed. Now this is a sour apple tea that is lightly rose scented. The rose appears in the scent and in the aftertaste but is light, not heavy and perfumey. The tea base can now be tasted, and I really wasn’t getting the base before.

Nice tea save! Thank you, Rashad!


This boggles my mind. I really liked this one. All I had was a sample. I used 12oz of just off boiling water and steeped for 3 minutes. Now the second cup I way over steeped and it was pretty bitter but that was my fault.

My Friend Rashad

I just spread it out in a thin layer on a plate. Left it out for a few hours. That did the trick. The thing I loved about the Nina’s samples was the subtlety and sophistication of it all. I’m glad everything worked out.

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This boggles my mind. I really liked this one. All I had was a sample. I used 12oz of just off boiling water and steeped for 3 minutes. Now the second cup I way over steeped and it was pretty bitter but that was my fault.

My Friend Rashad

I just spread it out in a thin layer on a plate. Left it out for a few hours. That did the trick. The thing I loved about the Nina’s samples was the subtlety and sophistication of it all. I’m glad everything worked out.

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I am a music teacher, tutor, and former homeschool mom (25 years!) who started drinking loose leaf tea about fifteen years ago! My daughters and I have tea every day, and we are frequently joined by my students or friends for “tea time.” Now my hubby joins us, too. His tastes have evolved from Tetley with milk and sugar to mostly unadorned greens and oolongs.

We have learned so much history, geography, and culture in this journey.

My avatar is a mole in a teacup! Long story…


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