Following 815 Tea Drinkers

Hesper June 136 followers

A Farmer’s Wife who drinks her tea to forget the din of the world. Love all ...

Vortegne 26 followers

Miss Starfish 344 followers

Time for a profile update. I’ve been on Steepster since early 2012, and my t...

Tina S. 85 followers

An avid tea addict in the GTA, Ontario, Canada. I’m always looking for new t...

PeppermintPlant 45 followers

I love tea! I still don’t know very much about it, though; I know what I like...

The Rabbit Hole 33 followers

After years of drinking bad tea in cafes, we think it’s time to kick the coff...

I ♥ NewYorkCiTEA 505 followers

I’m 33 years old, studying pharmacy, and have a surly cat named Bin. I love t...

Nicole 395 followers

Harney & Sons The Store 454 followers

The tasting room and retail staff of Harney & Sons love sharing their tho...



I am a music teacher, tutor, and former homeschool mom (25 years!) who started drinking loose leaf tea about fifteen years ago! My daughters and I have tea every day, and we are frequently joined by my students or friends for “tea time.” Now my hubby joins us, too. His tastes have evolved from Tetley with milk and sugar to mostly unadorned greens and oolongs.

We have learned so much history, geography, and culture in this journey.

My avatar is a mole in a teacup! Long story…


North Carolina

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