303 Tasting Notes


I had dinner at The Gage in Chicago some time in October-November last year, and I was excited to see they actually had loose leaf tea on their dessert menu. I don’t remember what I had for dessert, but I do remember the tea, mainly because I brought some home with me.

This was because they served it in a teapot without a strainer. A green tea. A 2-3 cup teapot. Generous, for sure, but imagine the bitterness of the second cup, not to mention the third. I obviously didn’t have more than one, then flagged down our waiter and asked him why they were torturing their tea like that. I asked for some to bring home, and he was incredulous, because he wanted to comp a dessert, and I was like but the desserts were fine, I want tea.

What I also wanted was for them to stop serving the tea in that inane manner, and he promised they’d fix it. So dear Ji Yoon, Executive Pastry Chef – I will check up on you next time I’m in town. Oh, when will that be, you ask? The answer to that is always, sooner than you think.

A while back, I compared this to a tea by Comptoir, reviewed here: http://steepster.com/annchen/posts/212008. The blood orange tea has more of a metallic/mineral tang to it, both nose wise and flavour wise, but it comes off as an aspect of the citrus, and doesn’t bother me at all in this case.

My two favourite citrus teas are the mandarine tea by Comptoir linked above, and Lupicia’s Grapefruit Green. The latter is characterized by Lupicia’s typical perfect pitch in terms of flavouring, whereas the mandarine tea is multi-faceted, well-balanced and overall just very well-executed.

This one comes off dustier and darker, but also, somehow, more exquisite than the other two. Lupicia are always so playful, so completely super fruity (yet without ever being artificial) and the mandarine tea is very French, very elegant and well put together. Being a mid-price-range restaurant tea, this logically can’t be that fine, but it does a very good job convincing me that it is.

That much said, I’d prefer some more personality and complexity – this is a very pleasing cup, but I don’t grieve not having more than six or so cups’ worth of leaf.

[Sample picked up at The Gage in Chicago, fall 2013.]

195 °F / 90 °C 2 min, 0 sec

I had a similar experience a few days ago where my sencha was served in a teapot without a strainer. Bitter bitter bitter, sigh.


I need to try this grapefruit green, even though I typically despise everything ‘grapefruit’


If you don’t like grapefruit, don’t try it, unless it’s for science. It’s like drinking a grapefruit, if tea were a fruit, or fruit a tea, or whatever.


Oh ok, good to know. I like the way it smells but often find it too bitter.


Right, yeah – I stand by my review. (http://steepster.com/clareborn/posts/199758) Just the right amount of bitterness. If you put your usual sugar in it, it should be completely lush.

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drank Thé du Hammam by Palais des Thés
303 tasting notes

This poor tea – it’s been offered to guests on numerous occasions, and swapped, and I have snuck an un-Steepstered cup on occasion. There’s not that much left now, and this is only the second tasting note for it.

The shame.

I’m so on the fence about Palais des Thés. I know they’re not even comparably as high quality as Mariage Frères. MF have such excellent base teas, and such exuberantly debauched flavour profiles that it’s not even a fair comparison.

But when I just want a simple, comforting cup, I admit I go with PdT more often. Because MF’s teas are demanding – all head games, smoke and mirrors. PdT’s teas, on the other hand, are simple, accessible, predictable.

And I just turned into Gone Girl’s Nick Dunne, didn’t I?

195 °F / 90 °C 2 min, 0 sec

That book was so messed up, eh?


Aww, poor tea…don,t worry, I had it once as a sample and I’m pretty sure I gave it some love, lol.
Funny, I was just discussing Gone Girl yesterday with a friend. Haven’t read it yet but I hear the calling, it’s screaming at me “read me, read me”. Did you like it?


You should definitely read Gone Girl, The Expats and The Silent Wife and make a book circle out of it.

The Expats is very well-written, GG has less polished language and less elegance of plot – but is far more commercial and action-oriented plot/language wise. (And is hence the bigger commercial success.)

Crassly, The Silent Wife mostly coattailed off Gone Girl’s momentum (sadly, considering how long it took her to finish it) and, even more crassly, books by a recently-dead author always gain some extra momentum.


Thanks for the suggestions Anna, will keep in mind :-)

Christina / BooksandTea

For me, the real strength of GG was the characterization. Both in the fact that the two main characters were horrible people, but that they stay horrible while changing in compelling and believable ways. /So/ glad I didn’t read it until after I got married.

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drank Cookie by Lupicia
303 tasting notes

So French Lupicia ship all over Europe now, which makes life a little easier. But just somewhat, because they have changed all the tea names, so you have to play detective to find the right ones. Also they have this completely un-Lupicia website, all clean and proper.

What they don’t have, however, is Cookie.

I don’t blame them – I doubt it would be a hit with the French palate. It’s quirky, which would work, but not quirky-elegant – and to not be elegant? Is there a greater sin?

For every sip of this, it just gets better, right down to the bottom of the cup. As usual, I can’t quite find the words to tell you how much I love this. I’m just going to drink it and be quiet.

Boiling 2 min, 0 sec

They also don’t ship to Canada, which is the greatest sin of all.


Yeah, I don’t even know what that’s about. You’re right there.


Yay, you got some cookie!


Totally cookied up now.


You guys are making me want to try the cookie :)


It’s safer not to. You will forever be craving the cookie.


HAHA! Good call ;)


And yet, I notice you’ve sent some of it to me, you fiend… eyes Yet To Try Box warily


Yeah, but that’s totally safe, Angface. You know my likes are your dislikes and vice versa!

Crystal O.

The best tea, my fav tea.


Crystal, I would share my last-ever Cookie with you if it ever came to that. I would.

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drank Green Darjeeling by Kusmi Tea
303 tasting notes

Okay, so darjeeling can be black, white, oolong or green, allegedly – this is a green. I find this whole thing somewhat confusing, since darjeelings always seem to be marketed as black teas even when they’re green or oolongy (I’ve never come across a white).

Let me just say how much I love this lounge for stocking Kusmi. I usually pick up a bag of lemon ginger to drink on my flight, and I’m so grateful they have something other than the eternal chamomile-or-EG on offer. (However, I need to figure out if there are any lounges that offer Mariage Frères and then try to weasel my way into one of those.)

This sample bag isn’t very old, but it’s so subtle it might just as well have been ancient, mummified tea. This sounds weird, but if this had had a flavour, it would have been a pretty good flavour. That is, what I detect is very, very, very subtle, but it’s definitely pleasant. Like a nicely vegetal, unflavoured green.

I will definitely pick up another one of these and try again.

[Bag snagged at the CPH lounge, Copenhagen, winter 2013]
[Bag polished off in Rome, February 2014.]

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 0 sec

Maybe blasphemy to your normal habits but try adding just a hint of your favorite sweetener. Usually for me this brings all sorts of notes out of hiding.


It’s not blasphemy, I have frequently considered trying a specific tea with additions, but the problem is that I never have cream or milk at home – and here in Rome I neither have those, nor any sugar. There literally is no form of sweetener in this apartment. :P

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drank Afternoon Tea by Lupicia
303 tasting notes

Let me state right from the start I am really not the target audience for this tea. Unflavoured blacks are the hardest ones for me to stomach overall, and even though I’m still in the process of trying to figure out which base teas I actually like (considering I only come across them in flavoured blends) I do know I possibly take issue with darjeeling. Or assam. But I think darjeeling is the actual problem. And seeing as this is apparently a darjeeling-assam blend, all bets are off.

But hey, it was a free Lupicia sample bag, so how could I say no? Maybe if Lupicia were more readily available to me I’d feel I could afford a more cavalier attitude, but now it’s more like give me a free sample any sample I will perform tricks for samples okay just give me all the samples please come on I will sing for you and babysit although I can’t sing and loathe children please samples.

Scent wise, it’s just a bag of meh. Just black tea. That black tea scent. Same in the cup. It’s like that peppermint tea from Bluebird I tried the other day – I wish I liked this kind of tea, and this really is a fair cup of this kind of tea, so it honestly is all on me – but no.

I just don’t.

[Sample from my Lupicia spree at Westfield Valley Fair in Santa Clara, October 2013.]
[Sample polished off in Rome, February 2014.]

Boiling 2 min, 15 sec
Terri HarpLady

I am the opposite of you, in that I tend to detest a lot of flavored teas, in part because I have reactions to some flavorings, especially the artificial ones. However, I do enjoy some flavored teas, sometimes. We can both agree in not being big fans of darjeeling, however, & I personally don’t care for ceylon. I do agree on samples though! :D


Aw, right – I remember reading you had a reaction to Momoko (also from Lupicia) which made me sad. That would definitely make me detest flavoured teas, too. But hey, I’m on a quest to try to figure out unflavoured greens a little better and it’s going pretty good so far. I’m sure I’ll be all gong-fu/pu’erh madness quite soon if I keep hanging out with you guys, haha.

Terri HarpLady

Hahaha, no doubt. One of my very first posts on steepster started with, “I need a Gaiwan”. Before I joined, I’d never even heard of one. I’d seen them somewhere, & I’d seen yixing pots & thought to myself, “Well, that’s ridiculously small, but adorable. Doesn’t hold much tea though.” Now I have 5 Gaiwans (why??) & 4 tiny teapots. And other teapots, many of which I already had. And lots of cups, & way too much tea. But I use them all, & will probably have more before it’s over with. Everyone has to have a hobby, right? :)


Hahaha, that’s so Steepster. I’m pretty sure most people wouldn’t consider tea your typical equipment-heavy hobby. Little do they know.

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Reading PdT’s own description of this tea, it comes off as something very complex. It’s certainly very present scent wise – almost to a take-over-the-room level, but the suggested complexity is nowhere to be found.

I can’t really do my usual notes-of-this, or notes-of-that, because there’s just one main note – a somewhat flat, slightly smoky houjicha – that’s what the body of this tea amounts to for me. In the company’s flavour profile, this is described as something with a ‘medium length’ taste, and I feel I need to try a short length one – that would be a brief tongue tip taste experience, and then nothing else. This tea barely has any discernible aftertaste – all I get is a vaguely peppery note as I swallow.

This is ideal for someone looking for a very mellow roasty tea, whereas I tend to prefer the over-the-top roasty blends. Sorry, PdT, but this did nothing to convince me that all the criticism raised against your unflavoured teas is unjustified.

[Sample gifted by my sweet friend T, October 2013.]

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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You remember when I checked the no-teas-bought-in-January-challenge box? Right. Thing is, I did buy some teas when I was in Vietnam, but only to give away as gifts. As it turned out, I ended up with one bag too many (it sounds like I broke up with a friend, or something, but I really just grabbed an armful of gifts and then ran out of people who like tea.). I already ran this by my Tea Hiatus Partner, and we’re in agreement. I hereby publicly declare this an acceptable purchase.

This I picked up at the airport – probably not the site of the fanciest tea purchases, but it was very cheap and had cute prep instruction pictograms. I’m a sucker for cute pictograms.

It smells really good in the bag – all thick, velvety jasmine, but without being overpowering, and without a hint of artificialness. The dry leaf itself is very pretty, in varied shades of green, lightly curled up and studded with small jasmine flowers.

I was excited to see that the tea called for 100C water – I really appreciate delicate teas that can take a bit of a beating. They’re generally more fun to play around with, and offer more variety in terms of taste if I feel like experimenting with steeping parameters. I went with a 2-minute steep – the recommendation was for between 2 and 3 minutes.

Taste wise, this is not overly complex, fairly subtle and lightly perfumed, with some slight astringency. It might be tricky to balance this quite right – a longer steep at 100C might bring out more flavour, but it will most definitely render the brew too bitter. It’s a very nice, basic jasmine, though. Rating somewhat knocked down because it left so much residue (I typed ‘residude’ three times before I got it right) it my cup. Hate that.
Anyway, it’s always a bit of a challenge adding teas like these to the database, seeing as I have no clue whatsoever what anything on the package means. Yet another reason to love Vietnam, though – no special characters.

The bag says:

a) Thai Nguyên
b) Trà hoa lài
c) www.naturalvietnamtea.com

a) As for Thai Nguyên, it seems it is one of the most well-known tea regions in the highlands (I’ve only traveled in the south).

b) Google Translate told me Trà hoa lài means ‘future investigations flower’ which made me laugh so hard I partly slid off the couch. It’s like they know I’m wearing my Veronica Mars Kickstarter shirt! I’m pretty sure it’s supposed to translate as, ‘jasmine flower’, though, which makes the one entry for that ‘merchant’ on Steepster potentially faulty.

c) The URL doesn’t work, but that’s pretty typical. ’We’ll just buy the domain name and put it on all our merch. Looks profesh! No need to actually make a website.’ (Also it looks like the domain expired, so maybe they gave up altogether.)

[Picked up at Tan Son Nhat/HCMC, January 2014]

Boiling 2 min, 0 sec

I keep reading the name as Tra-la-la…


Haha translations are the best. It’s admirable that you tried to stick to your no-buy whilst travelling, but come on, how often are you in Vietnam anyway? That should totally be an exception. I hope you had fun, by the way.


Angrboda: I doubt you are the only one…

Fjellrev: At the current rate, once every five years, haha. And thanks, I had a great time, it was a much-needed vacation. I think the consensus is that Vietnamese teas aren’t that exceptional, but that you have to go to the north to source the good stuff. Next time, maybe!


LOL er tra la la. Captain Underpants!

Hội Đầu Bếp Á Âu

Đây là một trong những sản phẩm bán chạy và được tin dùng tại Việt Nam. Sản phẩm vẫn còn lưu giữ được nét trà truyền thống từ xưa đến nay.

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drank Jasmin Chung Hao by Forgeron & Blanc
303 tasting notes

It is time for a short break from the infernal EU swap box (don’t get me wrong, the swap experience itself is beautiful, but the logistics of getting that box closed are seriously like something from Dante) to give Project Jasmine some attention. It was thanks to the first round of the box swap that I was reminded of how much I appreciate a good jasmine tea – entirely understandable memory lapse; during the fall I was a little too busy trying every single French fruity/floral green tea on the market, after all.

This is insurance tea – remember when my bag was lost and not found for a few days and there were little teas in there, all lost and scared? Yes. I needed to pick up some emergency tea, so I found this one at Gusto’s (yes, the restaurant) kitchen store, which is truly a marvel. They have so much great stuff. Italian kitchen stores can be amazing, and they turn up in the weirdest places – I found a crazy good one in Rovigo (population 50 000) a few years back, with the most amazing gadgets and molds and if I don’t stop now I will probably make a full list. The one in Rome is pricey, though – pricey-and-trendy-but-not-overpriced, which makes it hard for me to tell whether or not this is a quality tea, or just a trendy tea. I mean, this company isn’t even on Steepster, but they have a fair website and a really nice graphic profile. (Look at the tin! It has monkeys and elephants!) Then again, they’re German, and have chosen an ancient-renowned-French-tea-merchant-sounding name, which is always cause for some alarm.

Adagio’s Jasmine Silver Needle from the first round of the EU box swap is a really tough act to follow, seeing as it really is the best jasmine I’ve ever had, and overall, this does lack the exceptional qualities that made me rate Adagio’s tea so highly. Dry, it has a less complex, nicely perfumed, yet not too heavy scent. In the cup, it’s definitely pleasant and well-balanced, although it lacks the silken dreamy lightness of the Silver Needle. There is some very small astringency as it cools, but I’m sure the brewing parameters can be adjusted somewhat to avoid this.

Overall, I’d call this a solid, everyday jasmine. Jury’s still out on Forgeron & Blanc.

[Picked up at Gusto Libreria in Rome, February 2014.]

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 0 sec

I’m happy I put the Adagio Jasmine Silver Needle into the first round now, not a fan of white teas and I prefer my Jasmine mixed with green. Goes to show, one persons tea hell is anothers tea heaven :)


Yes, I am SO grateful for that one, it was such a treat. How do you source Adagio tea, by the way – just through swaps?

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drank Une Autre Idée? by THEODOR
303 tasting notes

I wish I knew what the trick is to rooibos. What makes a good and a not-so-good flavoured rooibos so completely different? When I first had delicate, French-style rooibos I could barely believe it was the same thing as the cardboardy German stuff. Do they water the bushes with gold? Sing to them? It can’t all be in the flavouring. No flavour profile, no matter how adeptly put together, could ever mask that much cardboard.

Anyway – what I wanted to get to was that this reminded me a whole lot of a horrible Teavana tea experience I had with a blend called Rooibos Tropica. It smelled tasty from a distance, but then as you came closer, the citrus turned all chemical and brewed up it was seriously the horror of horrors. Cold-brewed it was seriously window cleaner in a cup. I haven’t been able to drink citrus-flavoured rooibos since, so I figured I’d better give this a try, seeing as it seemed a suitable back-up-on-that-citrus-rooibos-horse contender.

This is the sample that had leaked ever so slightly, so smelling puts me back in the state of excitement one unavoidably enters when receiving one’s swap box. (Oooh!) This one you can smell forever without it turning chemical, too – the citrus/rooibos balance is perfect and there’s a sweet note rounding everything off. This is more or less what you get in the cup as well, but the aftertaste has a warm, slightly creamy, vanilla-esque note to it that is very nice.

This is just good, delicately flavoured, high-quality rooibos.

I don’t need a citrus rooibos in my permanent cupboard, but if I did, this one would be a very fair contender. In terms of a rooibos-off between French tea merchants, Mariage Frères would still be in the lead, however.

Thank you for sharing, cteresa!

[Sample from the second round of the EU Travelling Box, spring 2014.]

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

Ha ha ha… window cleaner in a cup! Awesome note! I find that the more I grow as a tea enthusiast, the more I dislike red rooibos.


I shall sing to my evening cuppa and see what happens :)


I am heretical, I place Theodor rooibos as high as Mariage Freres, or maybe even higher. Maybe. It´s fun to test it – and there is a small british brand called Yumchaa whose base rooibos I also approve.

I suspect the difference has to do with the grade, quality of rooibos used. If you look at Mariage Freres rooibos, particularly leftover in the pot (and we can not get rid of those needles easily…) notice how long and sort of whole, full and reddish the rooibos is. Pick a cheap german blend and look how much smaller, sadder, more broken, more yellowish-brown the rooibos looks. Though germans are not the only ones at fault, got a rooibos from Betjman and Barton which was just sad (and tasted it). And I got a repackaged plain vanilla rooibos which I suspect must be from some german blender (who else could it be from, from the source) which is good!

I am a rooibos snob it must be said. Good rooibos I love and makes me feel this warm glow, bad rooibos I somehow leave it to cool without drinking.

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I really like genmaicha and I’ve been looking for one solid brand to keep as a staple. Now I just need to find a way to get KittyLovesTea to produce this in large quantities, because this is seriously good. Very well-blended, just the right amount of toasty to me (I really love toasty) and with a nicely balanced tea base. I’m impressed!

Additives are not my thing, but if I had any maple sugar lying around, I would put some in, and this might be the EU swap version of DT’s Movie Night.

I’m going to snag a little bit more and put in a sample bag for later use, but there is plenty left – the rest of you should really try it.

[Sample from the second round of the EU Travelling Box, spring 2014.]

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 0 sec

I made 550g of this tea just for personal use so if you want any more just let me know :)


Can’t wait to try it (:

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I’m going to try all the teas.

Then I will choose a lucky few perfect specimens, and we will live happily together in my tea cupboard.


* *


This will be a year of in-betweenness and logistics. Where to put the teas. How to arrange the teas. Which teas to replenish – which ones to say goodbye to.

Still doing Project Green.
Still doing Project Jasmine.
Still doing Project Peach.

Dr. Tea is the name, I’m ahead of my game
still, steeping my leafs, still f*ck with the temps
still not loving Assam (uh-huh)
still rock my Bosch kettle with its high-pitched shriek
still got love for the greens, repping Lupicia
still the cup steams, still doing my thang
since I left, ain’t too much changed, still

(With apologies to Mr. Young.)


This year, all bets are off. I am going to drink both peppermint and chamomile and possibly suffer a little. But it’s okay – it’s for science.

I’m doing Project Jasmine, Project Peach and Project Unflavoured Green.

In terms of flavoured teas, Lupicia and Mariage Frères have become my massive favourites, and I have learned that Dammann Frères/Fauchon/Hédiard and Butiki aren’t really for me.

The O Dor, Adagio and Comptoir des thés et des épices are all on this year’s I’d like to get to know you better list.


Getting back into tea drinking last fall, I was all about rooibos. This past spring has been all green tea, all the time, with some white additions over the summer. Currently attempting a slow, autumnal graduation to black teas. Oolongs are always appropriate.

The constant for me, flavour wise, is the strong presence of fruity and floral notes. Vanilla is lush, as long as it’s not artificial. Peach, berries, mango. Cornflower, rose, lavender.

No peppermint.

No chamomile.

No cinnamon.


* *

My ratings don’t reflect the ‘What does this tea do for me?’ standard, but rather my own ‘What would I do for this tea?’ scale.

My absolute favourites. Teas I would travel for – or, in any case, pay exuberant postage for, because they simply have to be in my cupboard. Generally multi-faceted teas with complex scents and flavours. Teas with personality. Tricky teas.

Teas I wouldn’t hesitate to buy again if and when I came across them. Tea purchases I would surreptitiously weave into a travel itinerary (Oh! A Lupicia store! Here?! My word!).

Teas I enjoyed, but don’t necessarily need to make any kind of effort to buy again.

Varying degrees of disinterest and contempt.


Rome, Italy

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