Followed by 683 Tea Drinkers

__Morgana__ 570 followers

I got obsessed with tea in 2010 for a while, then other things intruded, then...

LatteTeaDah 63 followers

Still fairly new to the life-long process of learning and appreciating tea. ...

Stephanie 170 followers

Virgo Sun, Pisces Moon, Aries Rising My ratings are purely subjective and eac...

Meghann M 310 followers

Live in the cornfields of IL, but not too far from the city. Expecting a bab...

Geoffrey Norman 207 followers

I moonlight as a procrastinating writer and daylight as a trader of jack. I a...

Payton 42 followers

A tea geek (and also general geek) in Burlington, Vermont. I’m drawn to the b...

Kristin 126 followers

Rating Scale: 90-100 – Love it. Must order this one again. 75-90 – Pretty goo...

pimli 34 followers

My favorite teas: Chinese greens, Formosa oolongs (especially Alishan), and M...

Lisbet 84 followers

Grad student in sociocultural anthropology. I drink tea while reading for my ...

ashmanra 733 followers

I am a music teacher, tutor, and former homeschool mom (25 years!) who starte...



My profile pic is of a pink dahlia at Golden Gate Park.

Hobbies include: tea, making art, animals, vegan things, buddhism, nature, creativity, books, writing, cooking, meditation, yoga.

I am a fan of many different teas but my favorites are blacks and oolongs, chai, also like darjeeling and pu-erh. I’n always learning and expanding my horizons!

Dislikes include: bergamot, jasmine, highly tannic or bitter teas, overly judgmental and bitter people. :)

Live in San Francisco, I’m a SINK (single income, no kids) and love the urban life, but traveling out to the middle of nowhere is always fun too.

I tend to not drink things I know I will hate so a lot of my tea ratings are on the higher side. Here’s my rating system, sorta

95-100 I love this tea and would like to keep it around

94-90 An excellent tea which I may or may not repurchase

89-80 Pretty good, above average

79-70 Acceptable

69-60 Mundane – Will probably drink it if I have it

59-50 Ick

49 and below Nasty


San Frandisco


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