Today was a “I’m just gonna hit the snooze one more time” kind of morning. I still feel like a zombie so I’m trying this sample from Stacy.

Ironically this tastes like a relaxing nighttime herbal tea, which actually works cause you can stay in chill out mode while this gently massages you awake. The mint, guayusa and a trace of lavender are all floating together on a creamy vanilla cloud. This is my first try of guayusa, and based on this blend, I like its earthy, kind of “foresty” flavor.

If this successfully wakes me up, it’s going on my next order. It’s yet another delicious blend by Butiki.

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec

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I recently discovered loose leaf after a long and uninspiring relationship with teabags. I’ve been in love ever since (sorry bags, I just don’t feel that spark anymore).

Food is a passion for me and my love of scents and flavors has translated into an excitement for trying new teas. I’m trying to expand my palate with all different types, and currently my favorites are oolongs and greens.


Vancouver, Canada

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