Following 92 Tea Drinkers

rabbysmom 59 followers

Mom of two kids who enjoys a cup of tea. When someone is not calling me Mommy...

Leafbox Tea 228 followers You drink tea. Frequently, occasionally, or passionatel...

chana 176 followers

Lover of all things tea, must have a cuppa by my side at the computer, while ...

LENA 202 followers

lover of tea, travel, good food, nerdy stuff, tattoos, great danes, sushi, be...

Jillian 485 followers

I’m a university student in her twenties who’s currently working her way towa...

teafiend 74 followers

Most often thinking of tea, microbes, dinosaurs, and Romans. Tends to write n...

LissaMarie 234 followers

Hi! i’m melissa, and I’m a tea enthusiast , artist,photographer,crocheter, ou...

I ♥ NewYorkCiTEA 505 followers

I’m 33 years old, studying pharmacy, and have a surly cat named Bin. I love t...

Doulton 253 followers

I really love big, bold, brash teas. Smokiness enthralls me. I don’t seem t...

laurenpressley 205 followers

I’ve been into tea, at some level, since college with a first tin of loose te...



Intergalactic tea traveler. Will stop this side of the Milky Way for piping hot black tea in a fine bone china cup with milk and sugar. Add a tea sandwich and some sweet morsels and I just might stay a while. Music, Photography, Cooking, Art, Spirituality, and the Paranormal are preferred topics of conversation.

Tea Preferences: ALWAYS loose leaf over bagged fannings or god-forbid, dust. I do bag my own loose leaf, and will resort to pre-bagged black or herbal if I have to. Black tea is always taken with milk and sugar, and herbal may escape the dairy and sweet to thrive on it’s own in the cup on occasion.

Allow yourself the possibility of a life without bagged fannings or dust – and open your heart to all that – that is loose leaf. You’ll immediately discover where ALL the flavor has escaped to. It’s like a universe of flavor you never knew existed. ;)


Los Angeles

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