First cup of tea since at least 2 week i mostly drink coffee this day because of my work but today it’s my week-end it’s cold outside and i have a really really sore throat i always think of tea when I’m sick nothing is better than a hot tea when sick .
I was searching something with ginger in it when i found that one got it with the sample promo from Zen tea a big while ago. I got a weird smell when opened the bag since it have only 3 ingredient i assume it come from the ginger smell kinda like some cough medicine well I’m sick so it okay if it can make my throat less sore and make me stop coughing it could have smelt like rotten fish i would still drink it.
The colour is a beautiful brown it’s like drinking maple syrup it burn when i drink but a good burn. Definitely liking this one a little sweet at first then after a few sip the ginger taste appear don’t really know how to describe it my mind is numb today so now i will go to sleep till my Hobbit moleskine get shipped at my place