drank Earl Black by 52teas
143 tasting notes

I bought this tea on a whim one day during a sale……Glad I did.

The dry leaf smells really crisp bergamot with the fruity berry smell of currants. Wet leaf smells just the same but with the wet leaf of the tea coming threw as well. I had heard from other people on steepster that this blend was a bit strong, being white tea with bergamot and all. So I decided to brew three steeps together and combine them. It turned out perfect! The bergamot was at perfect level and gave a nice crisp menthol like citrus flavor which was backed up and broadened by the black current flavor. The tea was able to poke out through the flavors as well, adding to the crisp sweetness of the fruits. It doesn’t even need sweetener either. It taste pretty good iced too; flavors are a bit stronger and it leaves this cooling sensation in your mouth.

Overall it is a very good tea. I actually went a head and bought another pouch. I recommend this tea to anyone who likes strong bergamot tea, but wants something other then a black tea base.

Brewing Specifics

leaf: 2tsp
Pot: Glass
Water: 8oz
Temp: 185F
Steep: 1 minuets; 2 minuets; 2:20 minuets.

180 °F / 82 °C 1 min, 0 sec

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I have been drinking and makeing tea for me and my mom for most of my life and have been starting to get into loose teas.

I like fruity, spicy, strong teas, Chai’s, Black, and Rooibos. I have recently been trying and getting into Oolongs…

Just love it and might keep as a staple
Really liked it, and makes a above average cup
Is good, but might not have a lot of complexity or wow factor. Is pretty average
It’s ok, but not great. Might need added ingredients or tweaking, and is below average.
Would only if nothing else was available. Would not recommend to someone.
Below 50
Bad tea is bad


Melbourne, FL



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