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This tea is a Chameleon. Every single steep changes; not in the normal way tea does either. The smell of the dry leaf and when wet for some reason reminds me of roasted salted nuts… not sure what kind though.
1st Steep: Malty smoke, sweet after taste, smells like roasted slated nuts, strong yet smooth.
2nd Steep: Malty, with a tingle left on the tongue. Not as smokey. Kinda of a powdered coco after taste.
Cooled down: More flavor coming through; more smokey cocoa. Slight creaminess. Smells like roasted nuts.
3rd Steep?: Weaker, light citrus taste, less malt, more brisk taste.
Not sure what happened to my notes on Word but I don’t know if that was the description for the 3rd or 4th steep…
It should be noted that the coco taste isn’t typical. It is kinda like roasted and slightly smoked coco beans; Not the kinda of smokey woody flavor, more sweet roasted smokey.
I almost feel like the early steepings are like a fine Assam and morphs into a really good Ceylon, but through out is done with a bit of Yunnan flare to it; I haven’t any of these strait so I can’t be sure. I can’t wait to see how this tea does Gong Fu style.
Leaf: 2 tsp
water: 8oz
Pot: Porcelain
Sweetener: A bit of light agave sometimes
Steeps: 1:35 and add 40’s from there on…