It smells chocolate. The dry leaf and the liquor. Drinking it it’s very different : I get much patatoes notes, very stong ones and malt. However I get a smocky after taste, light but present.
This is a very uncommun tea. I never had such a tea, nothing I can compare with. It has a lot of personnality.
While cooling, honey notes are growing as well as chocolate ones.
It is a light bodied tea to me but I didn’t steep it very long because I had no parameters to steep it (and I’ve beentoo lazy to search on VT’s website !)
Dexter3657 sent me a huge sample of this one so I can play around this one a little again. Thank you very much for sharing.
Accompanied with pancakes and maple syrup to honour my dear Canadian fellows here on Steepster. Thank you all for the last Swap which was almost a 100% Canadian Swap :)