First : I updated the tea description as it was false, the previous description was the Inachevée de Constantinople one ! So I can understand why Keemun note was mentioning he cannot find almond and peppermint, there is none in this tea.
Héritage d’Istanbul is clearly a flowery tea on a double tea base : green and black.
I steeped it 3 minutes at 75°c as requested by Theodor, it sounds low but it was really ok because I can still detect a hint of bitterness.Very light but there.
The way the flowers comes is really lovely, very smooth : jasmin, lotus with a peppery note, this is pleasant and elegant.
I am not bewitched by this tea, it’s pleasant but even if I’ll keep exploring it a little, I don’t think I’ll rebuy it.
I may be a nice iced-tea as well.
Sounds interesting, though it also sounds like no competition for Inachevée? (And I want Trahison Byzantine, though that one would not be a tea for you!)
Sounds interesting, though it also sounds like no competition for Inachevée? (And I want Trahison Byzantine, though that one would not be a tea for you!)
I’m impatient you receive my envelope as I’d like to get your opinion about this tea.
I am maybe not a big fan of lotus in tea and it may be the reason I’m not in love with this one