This is a very beautiful tea leaf : a lot of yellow flowers (sunflowers) are mixed in, and it smells delicious.
Drinking it, I had difficulties to isolate the flavours : for sure there is orange but don’t get especially a blood orange.
Originally, I bought this one because it was with chestnuts- I cannot really say I get a huge chestnut taste. It is quite weird. It is here, but light and very very mixed with the other ingredients.
Having said that there is no reason to be picky : the taste is delicious, everything is very well balanced and the tea base (always the same with perfumed black teas with B&B) is nice and goes very well with these flavours.
The tea name is perfect and you are really in Autumn with this blend.
As it seems Autumn in coming back here in the middle of the Spring…this tea is perfect today.
I think this one could have been a very great tea but just stops before reaching the top. A little plus of je ne sais quoi would have permitted it to reach the top.