Tea #4 from the ’Here’s Hoping’ teabox.
First, I love the name of this tea. It makes me laugh, and it makes me want to read Sense and Sensibility (which, at times, also makes me laugh). Second, blackberry vanilla cream tea? Why yes, please. I think that would be lovely.
This is another tea with a strong black base tea. I find I really enjoy this in flavored teas. I want to be able to taste all of the flavors, but I want to feel like I’m drinking tea, too. Any edge that might have been in the tea is smoothed out by the cream flavor. On top of that is a mix of blackberry and vanilla. Neither flavor is super strong, but they are both present in such a way that it makes the tea easy to sip and enjoy. I don’t have to stop and “look” for the flavors. Everything is there and in balance.
This tea is going on my shopping list and will easily find a place on my pantry shelf. I can see this being a delicious iced tea this summer.