Backlog: I got a box of this from an aunt for my birthday. She knows I’m a tea lover, so she gets me some different bagged teas on occasion. I have had the canned drink before, but try to avoid things like that in general so I don’t remember it very well. This morning I steeped up a hot mug of this with breakfast, and I was surprised. It was very mild and unassuming, unlikely to force itself on you as a favourite but definitely a drinkable bagged green tea. I am not much for iced tea, but I am going to do some up iced at some point and see how I feel about that. It’s one of those teas that I don’t see myself reaching for, but would be nice to have kicking around at work or for making the odd iced tea if I feel like it. Far better than the Tetley bagged greens I have had before.