I had this tea yesterday . Brewed it up with a bit less leaf than the sencha from the same company. I found the first brewing of the sencha had too much umami for me. This time with a bit less leaf and shorter brew time ( 30 sec instead of 1 min ) at 60C. It came out perfect. Grassy, good umami but not overpowering, very sweet.
Next brewing was at 80C for 15 sec. A little bitterness crept into that one with a bit of astringency. Umami was toned down but still good.
I did one more infusion after that and hit my caffeine level. I love Japanese teas but I hit my caffeine level much quicker than with Chinese greens.
All 3 teas I tried from this company were great. Thanks Allan for giving me a chance to try them out. If they offer smaller quantities and better shipping rates in the future, I may buy from them.
Flavors: Astringent, Grass, Sweet, Umami
Glad you liked them.