It has taken me ages to get around to trying this tea. Based on some of the reviews I figured it would not be a tea I like. That would be an understatement. This tea tastes like an old wet rotting wood log. A bit mushroomy too. And yet… here I am still sipping this tea as I write this. Why haven’t I thrown it away? Hmmmm

Flavors: Mushrooms, Wood


Yea that one was bit rough lol

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Yea that one was bit rough lol

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Green teas are my favourite teas but I also enjoy: white, some herbal,rooibos, raw pu’erh, light oolongs, a little bit of black , and a little bit of ripe pu’erh. I have moved away from artificial flavourings and there’s hardly anything left in my cabinet with artificial flavouring or colours. It is mostly straight teas or tea blends.


Ontario , Canada

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