Directions on this tea said to brew 6-8 grams. I think I went conservative and only brewed 5 grams with about 4 oz water. I used boiling water initially but then tried a lower temperature.
This tea brewed up so extremely light—only a pale yellow. It was also very light on taste. I could pick up a little sweetness, hay & pine and some faint peppery notes. I could smell citrus but could not pick out anything citrus in the flavour. I did many infusions but this tea was just way too light for any flavour to come through. I’ve checked reviews from other people on this kind of tea (from other companies ) and I’m seeing many different ways of brewing (iced sounded interesting). I think I’m going to try some different things before rating this tea. I liked the flavour but it was just too faint. I plan on going up to 8 g the next time. I really need to play around with something that works for this tea.
Flavors: Hay, Pine