I love this tea! I didn’t really leave a proper review last time so I’m doing it now. Just finished my kickboxing workout this morning so it’s nice to relax with a wonderful cup of tea.
Dry the leaves are tiny twisted dark green and I could smell spinach from the dry a bit.
Brewed at 185 , 8 oz, 2 min, 1 tsp. Mmmmm. Sweet, buttery and spinach. I can smell the spinach in the aroma. This tea to me seems like it borders between some Japanese teas and the Chinese teas. The spinach seems to give it that umani that the Japanese greens have. Then there’s the rich nutty, butter flavour. I only have one little package left of this which is 2 cups so this is one tea that I will definitely have to order more of. It’s like a cup of heaven.
Flavors: Butter, Nutty, Spinach, Sweet
Yay! Rizhao’s are my favourite green hands down:-)