694 Tasting Notes

drank Maple Apple Cider by Stash Tea
694 tasting notes

I received a sample of this from MirandaGou in our swap. Thank you!

I had this today at work. I somehow missed the maple apple part. When I was sipping it I kept thinking man this taste a little nutty. Although nutty doesn’t really hint at the maple. This was nice. Very juicy Not something I need to drink again, but I was glad I got to try it. Thank you!

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I received 2 cups of this from BrewTEAllySwwet’s tea stash sale. Thank you.

I was not a fan. I didn’t get orange or cream out of this tea. The base seem to be the standard adagio black base, with a hint of flavor, but wasn’t able to pick out on the actual teaste. I am glad I got to try this, but it was not for me.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 30 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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I received this in a Mystery Swap with Eva. Thank you for sharing.

This was nice and relaxing. I had this straight but this would also be tasty doctored up a bit. I get fresh peppermint, but the chocolate is very much in the background for me. A nice mint tea. Thank you!

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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I received this in a Mystery Swap from Eva. Thank you!

Wow! This rocked my world today. Creamy, raspberry, and calming white tea all mixed into one. I wish I had way more of this to play around with. This seems like it would be good iced as well. Thank you Eva.

175 °F / 79 °C 4 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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drank Earl Grey by Twinings
694 tasting notes

We went out for brunch yesterday and I was feeling like a hot drink when we got there. The restaurant had bagged tea by Twinnings so I gave this one a try since I liked the Lady Grey a few weeks ago. The bergamont was well balanced with the black tea base for me. Not too in my face, but not too much in the background. I also really enjoyed the black tea base on this
I will be on the hunt for the a loose leaf sample of this and the Lady Grey. I am curious to see how the loose compares with the bagged tea.


I like bag version more. It’s funny, I always drink loose teas but this particular was too bland to me.


Interesting. I have had that happen with a few of Harney’s teas as well. I liked the bagged version better than the loose.

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I received a very generous sample of this from Allie in a Mystery Swap. Thank you!

This one was tricky. I liked the flavor. I was able to pick up on the calming white tea base. It was also nicely flavored with blueberry and acai. These two flavors added a nice sweet/tart taste to the tea.. Unfortunately even though I treated this tea with care it still brewed up very bitter for me. I tried not to steep it too long and was very careful with the water temperature but still it came out bitter.

170 °F / 76 °C 1 min, 45 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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drank S'mores by Della Terra Teas
694 tasting notes

I received some of this in a Mystery Swap from Eva. Thank you for sharing some of your new tea with me!!!

When this finished steeping I put my nose to the cup and definitely smelled the marsh mellow. For my first sip that is exactly what I got. Marsh mellow sweet. I am missing the chocolate and gram taste that I was hoping for. I am hoping a little bit of sugar makes these flavors pop. The base of this tea is very faint in the background. I would like it to be a bit stronger. Overall a nice treat. Thank you!

EDIT: I tried this again this afternoon. I added sugar and it helped bring out some more of the flavors in this tea. It was a nice afternoon treat. Upping my rating a bit.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 30 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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drank Red Velvet Cake by DAVIDsTEA
694 tasting notes

I received this in a “Mystery Swap” from Allie. Thank you! I received about 30 samples in the span of 2 weeks so I am struggling to get all of them tasted. This one I have been sipping on at work but the tasting note has been neglected.

So by the name of this tea I wasn’t sure what it would taste like. Red Velvet to me is a mellow chocolate cake. This tea was very light colored when steeped it smells of roasted sugar. The smell is pretty much like it tastes. It is a roasted sugary caramely taste. Light and sweet. Not at all what I was originally thinking it would taste like , but still a really good dessert tea. I should try this with a hint of sugar after dinner sometime. Thank you for sharing this one with me Allie. I am glad I got to try this one.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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drank Florence by Harney & Sons
694 tasting notes

This was part of my haul from Harney and Sons. I pretty much bought every flavored black tea that sounded nice when I figured out you can purchase tea in the 2oz loose leaf quantity.

With there black flavored tea I tend to drink it in the mornings. This was my first cup this morning. For this one I did add a little bit of sugar. It was really good. It is a chocolatey black tea just as promised. Same black base, which I don’t mind and just a nice warming cup.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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drank Da Hong Pao Red Robe by Steepster
694 tasting notes

This tea is from the January 2014 Steepster Box.

Okay, I really thought I had reviewed this already, but I think I just drank a cup and then read BrewTEAllySweet’s review and agreed with her! I love this. Where can I get more? The first steep was roasty, almost coffee-ish. Very calming and warming on this VERY cold night. Second steep just as awesome. A little less chocolate tasting and more roasty tasting.

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I started drinking tea while on a 4 month long cycling trip through South America. It seemed to always be a great way to warm up when I was cold and it was always available everywhere. Mate was the big tea of choice down there and it was also a great way to get to know people. When I returned home, my sister introduced me to Teavana and this launched me into the realm of loose leaf tea.

Earl Grey Cream – Zen Tea
North Winds – WP
Zho Ru -Verdant
Golden Monkey – H&S
Milk Oolong – Gong Fu Tea
Nahorhabi Assam – H&S


Kansas City, MO

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