694 Tasting Notes


The Quarter to Tea blends really peaked my interest when she posted to the forum. I was unfortunately a little late to the draw to get in on the free samples, but the teas peaked my curiosity enough that I went ahead and purchased a sample pack. I have been longing for some fun blends again, and these looked like they fit the bill.

This tea is pretty tasty. I mostly get a sweet nutty flavor from the tea. I suspect I am tasting a the banana as the swee" component of the flavor, but it doesn’t jump out as banana. I like the flavor, I think I could use a little more umph in the base of the tea, but overall this is a winner. Yum. Looking forward to trying the rest.

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OMG! Amazing. This is like drinking silk. It is smooth and creamy. How does tea do that? It has a slight roast to it, in other words slightly less roasty than a few other DHP’s I have had and it is screaming with juicy flavor. I can never pick out the exact fruits, but juicy works for me. I really wanted to try the WP autumn jade and golden lilly so I might just have to order those and more of this. Yum.


the jade TGY from WP is to die for!


Shhh, don’t say that:) I mean I really shouldn’t buy anymore, but it sounds so tasty.


Ooo, this one sounds super tasty!

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Oh my, Yum! I came into work this morning not sure what I wanted to drink. I have several teabox teas from DonkeyTiera and thought maybe I could dig into one of these this morning. I wasn’t expecting much. When I hear Nilgiri for some reason I think plane black tea, but boy was I wrong. This is really good this morning. My first few sips were strong and I was thinking spicy notes. As it cools I seem to get lemon mixed with a tad bit of floral. Completely wield and complex and oh so what I needed this morning. Thank you DonkeyTiera for the swap!


I love being pleasantly surprised like that!


I was equally as surprised, I purchased the collection series of Nilgiris from Teabox and found green and oolong teas in the bag too.


KeyChange I love being suprised. My wallet sometimes doesn’t like it though. It tends to lead me to buy more of a given type or from a given company. BigDaddy I was looking at some of their sample packs or the small monthly club. It is good to know that you get to try a few extras too.

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I have quite a bit of Butiki tea left and I think every last drop of it has been ruined :( Several of the unopened packages, that at the time I didn’t have enough bags to seal the tea in were stored next to a rose flavored tea. I have tried 3 of the remaining teas, including this one, and they are all contaminated with the rose. I am shedding lots of tears. A hard lesson learned for me about tea storage. Even for a short stent, teas taste can be greatly affected by how and where it stored.


Oh my, I had a similar experience recently, and likewise had to toss all 4+ oz of my favourite Butiki tea. It was very, very sad. :(


Rose is nice in tea, maybe it will be good but different?


AH i’m so sorry.


Yeah, had the same issue with my Butiki teas. I bought them when I was new to loose leaf and left them in the original bags. A hard lesson, but it stuck with me.

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6 Weeks into my Hitch Fit weight loss plan and I had a serious case of the munchies last night. I haven’t had sugar other than veggies and an apple a day for 6 weeks and I think I could have downed a gallon of soda last night. I am glad that I didn’t, but man was it hard. I opted for tea to curb my cravings instead. DHP sounded good so I pulled out this bad boy.

This was perfect! roasty, cocoa, a slight earthy taste, with out being too mineral tasting. I enjoyed all the infusions and brought the rest of the leaves to work with me today for one last big cup. I love the packaging for these teas. Despite being neglected for a year everything was sealed up tight and seemed still fairly fresh.

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I received this tea in last years Secret Pumpkin 2014 exchange. Thank you!

So, by the name I was really excited about this tea. The Taiwanese black teas that I have had have always been sweet and filled with a nice spiciness. I thought with a name like honey black, that this would be the same, but I am not finding this tea that naturally sweet. Like others have mentioned I get a lot of vegetable notes and i seems more similar in profile to nilgiri or Ceylon type of tea. Not my favorite cup, but not a bad cup either.

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drank Dong Ding by Sanne Tea
694 tasting notes

I received a sample of this tea from Lulu. Thank you!

It has taken me a while to get to this tea. This is a wonderful cup! First off the leaf is beautiful. Second the flavors were not quite what I was expecting, but they are amazing. I get a sweet floral, slightly mineral taste at the front of the sip and then at the back end I get this creamy smooth finish.

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This was a sample from the February mailer. I really liked the strawberry and chocolate notes in this tea, but the puer base still reminds me of drinking rubber. The reviews seemed to say that for the most part it was hidden and I would agree, but every once in a while I got a hint of it. I enjoyed the cup but not something I need to visit very often.


See that’s just it. even in small hints, once you taste rubber, you can’t un-taste it.


I agree, but I really loved the strawberry flavor in this one. If they could pair the strawberry flavor with say a keemun this would be my favorite flavored tea.

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drank Golden Turtle by Mandala Tea
694 tasting notes

A big thanks to Beorhthraefn for so generously including a sample of this with the tea I bought from the stash sale.

This was wonderful. I got 30 mins to sit, read, and drink tea last night. This was a floral, very green oolong that was also very sweet. The first infusion it was always like someone had added sugar to my cup. It had almost like a touch of caramel. I only got through 3 infusions before it was time to hit the sack, but I brought the leaves with me today to resteep at work western style.


Pleased to hear it was so well-received!

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Yum! I have been trying more and more assam’s, but I always seem to come back to this one. It is delicious. It gives a much fruitier flavor infusion than many other assams I have had. A good morning cuppa. Thanks Nicole and Boychic for getting me hooked on this one.


This one is nommy!

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I started drinking tea while on a 4 month long cycling trip through South America. It seemed to always be a great way to warm up when I was cold and it was always available everywhere. Mate was the big tea of choice down there and it was also a great way to get to know people. When I returned home, my sister introduced me to Teavana and this launched me into the realm of loose leaf tea.

Earl Grey Cream – Zen Tea
North Winds – WP
Zho Ru -Verdant
Golden Monkey – H&S
Milk Oolong – Gong Fu Tea
Nahorhabi Assam – H&S


Kansas City, MO

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