694 Tasting Notes


I received a sample of this from DonkeyTiera. Thank you!

I am not sure what to make of this tea II think I really under leafed it. It was slight bead/sugar taste to it. I will have to come back to this one and add more leaf.

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drank Kilimanjaro by Gong Fu Tea Shop
694 tasting notes

I am not sure how I have not logged this one. I am finishing off the small sample that Charissa sent me. Thank you!

This is a good kick in the pants morning cup. It is a CTC, it s strong bold and slightly fruity. It has a good mix of astrigent with fruit. I like it. I am not sure if I would get this one again or the Kenyan Sufarie. A good cup.

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This also has cinnamon, but it is not in my face like the sweet potato pie. I had to let this cool a minute or two and then the real flavors started to come out. It is a creamy cheesecake with chocolate. Not to bad.

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Ugh, sweet cinnamon……. That’s all I get. I wish I would have looked at an ingredient list. Was there one to look at? The concept of this one sounded fun. Oh well, can’t love them all.

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Still gathering my energy back after a bug this weekend. I took a night off from the gym and sat and read and drank tea. I enjoyed a gong fu sessions with this tea. With my expectations set right for the tea it was much more enjoyable for me. There is a spicy sweet flavor that I honestly have no idea how to describe, spiced raisin maybe? It was warm and calming. I am not sure that I would repurchase this one, but I am looking forward to enjoying the rest of the oz that I do have.

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A sample of this was included in my order. Thank you Lauren!

This weekend was intense. My husband went on a weekend trip to do a trail marathon in Mohab. So the kids and I had plans to hang around and check things out on the nice fall weekend. I woke up very early Saturday morning in horror. My stomach had other plans. I had managed to catch a stomach bug. Instead of enjoying the fall weekend I was wishing for death and praying my children didn’t hurt themselves while I dozed in and out of contentiousness. All help which I could have called on was also in Mohab with my husband. Single mothers I applaud you. I don’t know how you do it day in and day out.

Stomach back to normal and enjoying tea this morning. This is not my favorite cup. For me the strong note of coconut mixed with green tea is a little much for me. I would much more prefer the fruity flavors to shine and the coconut to just be a hint in the back ground. Thats okay. Can’t love them all. My wallet is thankful for that!


My goodness, what an ordeal! I hope you recover quickly. I hav eno idea how any parents do it, let alone single ones!


Hope you are feeling better!

Lauren | A Quarter to Tea

Hope you’re feeling better and that your husband had an excellent run, at least!

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This was a sample I had received with on of my Verdant orders. I had it before bed with a book last night. It was a wonderful calming tea. The Jasmine was just right. The sweetness of the white tea base, made it so creaming and sweet. Loved it.

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drank Yunnan Gold Bud by Silk Road Teas
694 tasting notes

This is another sample from Beorhthraefn. Thank you!

I love Golden Monkey, and I am pretty sure this is a golden monkey or it is very similar. My second all time favorite tea. Always a nice pleasant cup. Slightly sweet, slightly malty, smooth and golden perfection. Good cup for a stressful afternoon.

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This is another sample from DonkeyTiera. Thank you!

I am really enjoying all the Teabox samples she sent. I am considering joining their 10 dollars a month club. Everything I have tried so far has been amazing if you enjoy teas from India. It turns out I really do. This one is the first cup this morning and I am not sure how to describe the flavor. It is just a pleasant, warming cup. Very smooth, slightly floral. Tad hints of malt in the finish. I am digging it.

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I love this Chai! I am so sad there will be no more. Cozy chai + book = awesome evening.

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I started drinking tea while on a 4 month long cycling trip through South America. It seemed to always be a great way to warm up when I was cold and it was always available everywhere. Mate was the big tea of choice down there and it was also a great way to get to know people. When I returned home, my sister introduced me to Teavana and this launched me into the realm of loose leaf tea.

Earl Grey Cream – Zen Tea
North Winds – WP
Zho Ru -Verdant
Golden Monkey – H&S
Milk Oolong – Gong Fu Tea
Nahorhabi Assam – H&S


Kansas City, MO

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