188 Tasting Notes


Had this again today. One of the few I’ve purchased with out so much as even a sample prior to the order… and it’s green!

When I first started with loose leaf I never thought I would like 2 things… green teas and citrus teas. You, my fellow Steepster friends, have worked your magic and shown me I can enjoy them both :)

Today this was a nice nutty green tea with caramel nummyness, of course with my bit of raw sugar :) I like how this one has the caramel and the nutty notes from the rice that work play nicely with the green base. The green comes through, but not too boldly. This tea is rich and sweet. Not something I would drink every day, but satisfies that occasionaly desire for something with a green base.

Flavors: Caramel, Nuts

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I was looking for something caffeine free the other night and couldn’t find anything that really looked good. I wanted something rich, black, green, white, didn’t matter but the decaf blends I have I didn’t want… isn’t that how it works.? I don’t have many herbals so rooibos was the answer.

I’m finally trying to whittle away some of my first samples. I’m so bad about leaving one more cup in each baggie just in case I want to try something again. I have so got to stop doing that! It’s only going to mean undrinkable final cups in the future when I do decide to try them again… and what good is that really?

This is one that I had maybe 2 cups worth left and it at least sounded intriguing. Steeped up it was a nice cinnamon cuppa with a bit of pastry note from the rooibos and if I really looked for it, maybe some of that cream cheese icing that is so yummy when you make them homemade.. .Mmmm. I wish the cinnamon and icing flavors were more prominent, but was glad the rooibos played a helping part in this blend and didn’t come across as woodsy (I mainly notice that in fruit blends I think).

I enjoyed this one, but not sure if I would go out of my way to find it. I certainly wouldn’t turn it down though if it were offered to me. Thanks again MissB for sharing this with me :)

Flavors: Cinnamon


I have quite a bit of this — it was great initially, and has faded from my “must-have” list after the second bag. As for the decaf stuff – happens to me every night! I must get more of that Ginger Lime (herbal) from the Edmonton store… I keep on craving it.


I’m glad I’m not the only one! I think someone else mentioned awhile back a similar thing.

I usually reach for a rooibos.. you introduced me to S&V Candy Cane & Coconut Macaroon -likely to place my order soon.. too many others having sales keep putting a hold on more of these-got to space out orders or Hubby gives that look… “more tea?”, and Apple Strudel from Bluebird(although w/currency change it can get $$)-hoarding the last 2 cups.

I haven’t tried too many herbals yet, something I’m working on, for some reason I have mostly rooibos blends. Often I find myself w/something from C.Seasonings in the evenings because they are easy to get here & when I do place an order I often fail to think about evening teas. Eventually I will! :)

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drank Earl Grey Creme by Market Spice
188 tasting notes

I was looking for something black and orange/bergamot this morning… surprised myself! Never thought I would go for citrus, but here I am.

TeaTiff sent this to me quite awhile back, Thanks!, and I wasn’t crazy about it then.. it was ok but not a favorite, but thought I would give it another try since I still had a bit of a sample left.

I am sooo sooooo terrible about finishing any sample bag, whether I like the tea or not… just terrible! I’m going to have to learn to do it or I will have a whole bunch of little baggies with one lonely little serving left in them. If I like a tea it’s even harder if I know it will be awhile before I would consider an order w/it’s company or if it’s difficult to get. When I see all of your sipdowns I get jealous that I have such a hard time with that. I do think Hubby would welcome more purchased teas in the cupboard if I could manage to get myself to do a better job of it though. Must work on it!

This one is much like I remembered it, maybe a bit better now that I’ve come to enjoy citrus in my tea more. I steeped this a little cooler this time to try and avoid the pepper flavor I got last time I tried it. Although it was less present, it was still there.. although more tolerable. I don’t know if pepper is a flavor I would come to crave in tea, but I have already surprised myself w/citrus. I do love pepper in some of my foods! so who knows?

Flavors: Orange Zest, Peppercorn

190 °F / 87 °C

I am utterly awful at finishing off samples as well. It’s really overwhelming actually!


Thanks keychange! Glad to hear I’m no the only one :)

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drank Toffee Dream by Zen Tea
188 tasting notes

Had this one yesterday while considering what to order from Zen. I knew I had a couple of samples and decided maybe it would be good to try them again before I decided on an order. Sadly that cost me both of the freebies they had on their site that were expired.. :(

I have to say that it’s hard to measure, as I’ve found most white teas to be due to the large leaves. This one is a nice mild white tea with a nice sweet toffee flavor that I added a touch of sugar to. Easy to drink and went down fast… :)

When I first started really getting interested in teas early last winter I was only familiar with black and chai teas, and mostly tea bags. It has taken a bit to get used to whites and greens but I do find that I enjoy them more and more.


Aw, I’m sorry you missed the freebies. :/

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drank Coconut green by Zen Tea
188 tasting notes

Sip down of a sample while trying to decide what to order from Zen … I’m terrible at decision making! I remembered that I had a couple of samples and thought I should try them again before I place my order, this was one of them. Thanks MissB for sharing this one!

I glanced at my tasting note for this one yesterday and I know my tastes have changed a bit about greens since the last time I had it so I was curious if I would feel the same about this one as I did before.

While hot, this one is still a little vegetal to me, but not unbearably so. After it cooled slightly, it was an enjoyable cup of coconut tea… slightly sweetened as always. I do find the aftertaste a bit drying.

I’m curious of those of you that have this and the oolong, which do you prefer. Is one more vegetal than the other? More coconut?

Flavors: Coconut


Although I’m a bigger fan of oolong, I prefer the green one in this case, lighter and more coconut. I find the oolong sweeter and heavier, but that’s just my own taste, their oolong seems more popular…

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drank Rooibos Kalahari by Tea Affair
188 tasting notes

Backlog… Just realized I never made a note about this one.

Last week Hubby and I tried this for a hot evening tea. It tastes of lemon lime woodsy rooibos… I could’ve done with the rooibos being hidden, but there you have it, very present. Hubby enjoyed this more than I did because he enjoys lime in beverages more than I… I would prefer orange if given a choice. I added a touch of raw sugar to mine which helped bring out the citrus notes but the rooibos was still very there.

I cold steeped it for Hubby to take to work thinking that he would enjoy the lemon lime and hoping that the rooibos would fade to the background. He came home and announced this is the first cold steeped tea that he doesn’t want again, period! He didn’t have any left for me to try, but it must have been pretty bad for him to say so like that.

It was nice to try this blend and Hubby will likely finish the pkg, hot steeped for sure. I don’t think I’d be looking to order this one.

I signed up for the Amoda box with a special discount code and Hubby enjoyed so many of the teas with it that I failed to cancel it.. Oops! Don’t tell ;) Now only to find out they are canceling their current program and preparing for something new. Bummer. I hope they come up with something as reasonably priced and similar quality.

Flavors: Lemon Zest, Wood

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drank Fruits d'Alsace by Harney & Sons
188 tasting notes

I had a nasty sinus headache yesterday. Actually fell asleep on the couch which I never do. I tried several things to get rid of it, but nothing seemed to work. I went for some black tea and wanted something familiar .. taste bud uncertainty.

This one stepped up to the plate and hit a home run… what I could taste was yum! A nice black base w/ a rich fruit flavor. Nothing stands out as the main fruit flavor, just a balanced sweet fruit flavor. Almost a sipdown.. Thanks MissB for your generous sample… it was well enjoyed and I’ve considered ordering some for cold steeping this summer.


I hear this is excellent cold-steeped.

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Another sample I bought with my Persimmon Tree order a few weeks ago. I thought since I’ve enjoyed a few orange/citrus teas, that I would be brave and get myself a sample of theirs.

Dry leaf smells mildly sweet and orange

Steeped I got creamy orange with the base playing a supporting role in the mouth feel and flavor. I did find that after a couple of sips it started tasting chemical and artificial… Oh no! It got even more so as it cooled.

Since this is an oolong I decided to do a resteep. Much to my surprise it that chemical flavor was gone and I enjoyed it much more this time. The chemical flavor began to return as it cooled… Bummer.

I did a third steep and it was much like the second. Note to self… Drink this one hot!

I enjoy this enough to finish the sample. I just wish the orange flavor was true throughout the variety of temperatures that my cup tends to get before I finish it. I don’t know if it would ever be a re-order or not… but I do find I like the light base with this. Maybe if I order from them again sometime I would consider another sample.

Flavors: Cream, Orange Zest


I just got this one and can’t wait to try it!

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I picked this up as a sample with my recent order. I generally find that I really enjoy coconut blends and the reviews of this one made me want to try it.

Dry leaf smells wonderfully of sweet coconut.

I found it a bit difficult to measure this, as most white teas, due to some of the larger leaves. Steeped I get a nice natural coconut flavor on the initial part of every sip with a rich dense mouth feel from the white tea base, heavier than I expected from a white tea but I haven’t had very many of them yet. As it cools I find that after the initial natural coconut flavor, it tastes a bit like coconut lotion/soaps smell, not like soap, but the smell of coconut scented soap. Many have commented that this is similar to coconut milk or water in flavor, & I have to admit I don’t think I’ve ever had either one, so I don’t have anything like that to compare this to. I am also finding a bit of an aftertaste that lingers long after the sip… not sure what that is from. I will give this a second steep and see how it does.

Several of you have mentioned that this is good as a cold steep. I may have to try that with what’s left to see how that changes this one. I’ll hold off on rating for now.

Flavors: Coconut

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37 yr old wife and mother who left her day job to take care of our son. Now running a property management business with my hubby.

I grew up on Lipton -hot w/milk & sugar, Lipton iced w/fresh spearmint and sugar, and Celestial Seasonings Sleepytime … Don’t criticize.

I came across Good Earth Original Sweet and Spicy out of chance and it spurred my interested in trying new teas because it was a flavor I had never had before in a tea. I’m now new to the world of loose leaf teas and looking forward to learning what I like as I journey through some new flavors. Hubby has always enjoyed the occasional cup when we’ve been out and about at restaurants.. now we will find out what good teas are really all about! On with the adventures!

Still relatively new to loose leaf, but I’m learning… Coconut, cinnamon, chai, chocolate, mint, & pineapple are just a few of the flavors I enjoy. I have found that I can do green teas so long as there are other flavors as well and it isn’t the primary flavor. I have only found 1 rooibos blend that was too woodsy for me, most of the time the base is hidden or blends well enough w/flavored versions for my liking. I’m beginning to enjoy fruit teas more and more. I occasionally like a straight black tea.

Hubby likes milder flavors, any base, berry flavors, sweet aromas, sometimes tart, and or floral, and chocolate to my surprise! Almost the opposite of me.. go figure!

My 8 year old just took interest and loves root beer.. so far Butterbeer is a hit, but we haven’t tried any root beer or cola teas yet.. soon thanks to the Marvelous MissB for sending some samples. He enjoyed Winter Nog (Della Terra) recently, but turned away something else I gave him.. darn if I can’t remember now what it was!



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