Following 269 Tea Drinkers

Ian 125 followers

Hello! I’m Ian and I’m a 15 year old student who lives in Vermont. I started...

Daniel Scott 112 followers

I’ve always been a tea drinker – I grew up drinking Tetley’s Orange Pekoe and...

Scatterbrain 140 followers

My name is Kyle. I love good tea, a good book, the great outdoors, and I am p...

Bonnie 488 followers

Colorado Grandma 73 3/4 as of January 2022 Grandmother to 10. (we all drink ...

Tommy Toadman 297 followers

I just a guy who respects and loves the tea :) Really???? Blah Blah Blah lmf...

Invader Zim 160 followers

I’m an avid tea drinker, it’s what I drink all day and why I’m here. I don’t ...

Kaylee 229 followers

she/her Geek and nerd (shoutout to GeekSteep). Still trying to get a handle o...

Mikumofu 65 followers

Science writer and a cat that learned to type. I grew up in a tea-loving fami...



I live in NC with my Irish husband and our two furbabies, Olaf the Hedgehog and his little brother Hugo the Peekapoo. I’m a microbiologist but mostly I love to travel.

My mom is the tea guru ashmanra. I have an uneducated interest in tea. I began drinking green tea a few years ago to be healthy and have developed a taste for matcha, white, puerh, and some black. My go-to is Stash White Christmas which I drink in amounts that should probably be studied long-term. Stash should probably be sponsoring me. (except they just discontinued White Christmas and were rude when I contacted them about it…. Never mind about Stash, they are canceled)



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