drank Momoko by Lupicia
772 tasting notes

Momoko – Lupicia – 2/5/14
2 minutes, 175 degrees.

I read some of the other tasting notes to get an idea of what I should be tasting but it wasn’t entirely clear. I also thought I might have tried this before but there are no tasting notes from me so it appears that that is not the case.

I’m definitely picking up some vanilla amidst the green tea flavour. As I sip a bit more, the peach becomes stronger until it’s quite clear. Originally it just tasted a bit generically tropical before resolving into straight peach. I’m not an enormous fan of the green tea base in this, it leaves a yucky aftertaste and it is somewhat astringent despite my somewhat conservative steeping time/temp. The whole thing put together is pleasant enough, but it is not something I think I would ever buy now that I’ve tasted it.

TTBB#4 (Not even 10am at work)

Flavors: Peach, Vanilla

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 0 sec 7 g 14 OZ / 414 ML

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Single, vegetarian, asexual, 5 cats. Airplane Engineer. I drink most of my tea with a bit of sugar and all the ones with a black tea base with a little bit of milk too. I’m super sensitive to bitterness and spiciness so I tend to avoid those.


Renton, WA, USA

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