Someone gave me a tin of this as a gift. I’ve gone through it as my office tea for a bit. It’s a fairly good wake-me-up. It is the first tea with pu-erh that I have liked, but I honestly can’t tell how much of the flavor profile has been contributed by the pu-erh. It just tastes like a chocolatey black tea to me.
One small rant – the tin it came in, while cute, is very annoying when attempting to get the very last of the tea out of it. It has an indentation in the bottom so that you could stack it on top of another of the same tea tins. It’s pretty deep and the tea slides down in between the walls of the tin and the indentation. Couple that with the squarish flat top with a round opening.
So I managed to get the very last of it out of the tin after thwacking and shaking and bumping and dumping. But there wasn’t quite enough left for a full cup. I tossed in a bit of Twinings loose Earl Grey. The Bolder Breakfast is so strong that I didn’t get a hint of Earl Grey taste.
I don’t know that I will reorder this on my own, but I wouldn’t turn up my nose at another gifted tin.
I’ve gone through a couple of tins of this one over the years. My method is to shake it over a plate, in a combination of poorly choreographed moves: circles, triangles, north to south, east to west, etc, until every particle is on the plate. ;)
The tea-time mambo? The tea two step? Between you and Terri, this tea sounds like it requires a certain dance step that needs its own name:)
I’ve gone through a couple of tins of this one over the years. My method is to shake it over a plate, in a combination of poorly choreographed moves: circles, triangles, north to south, east to west, etc, until every particle is on the plate. ;)
The tea-time mambo? The tea two step? Between you and Terri, this tea sounds like it requires a certain dance step that needs its own name:)
P.S. I have two left feet, so maybe I should just stay away from this tea…
LOL. It’s the tea tango!