15257 Tasting Notes


steepster is feeling the hate for me..so in the interest of time. had this, it was good. yay tea.

Emily M

It’s not just you. I’ve been getting errors for hours. Seems to have cleared up a little. Hope it gets fixed soon. P.S. Love this review. Especially the “yay tea” part. ;)


It’s a bit better now I guess… The last few hours have been awful…


haha well glad you got a chuckle out of it :)


haha well glad you got a chuckle out of it :)


haha well glad you got a chuckle out of it :)


Bahaha @ 3x comment.


Yeah….steepster was not having it last night.

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Ugh steepster is fighting being good today. log from this morning since it’s been a crazy week and will likely be an insane week with all the last minute work and prep to do, i foresee some crappy tasting notes this week. BUT i did get my samples today from a tea company out in edmonton so i have those to look forward to tonight!


Oooh what company in Edmonton?


haha are you out there? Acquired Taste Tea. If you email them, they will send you a couple of samples of your choice to try. The packaging is nice and the sample is enough to have a sil size cup or two “normal” cups :)


I will definitely check them out, yeah I’m actually from e-town haha I actually just looked them up and they aren’t too far from me! Might have to go to the store as well :D


What company in Edmonton?


haha are you out there? Acquired Taste Tea. If you email them, they will send you a couple of samples of your choice to try. The packaging is nice and the sample is enough to have a sil size cup or two “normal” cups :)


so E-town… that’s my home town :) If you make it to the store let me know!


Nice! Awesome to see another Albertan on here :) I will let you know if I make it to the store, I really want to go, checked out their online products man they have some tasty looking teas!


I have to say, read in full this comment thread is amazing. I like how it just restarts and is nearly, but not completely, identical.


I received three samples from them…will try to get reviews up tomorrow heh


Lol yah steepster was sucking it last night


Yeahh steepster did it haha didn’t mean to post multiple times :p looking forward to your reviews sil!

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drank Cheesecake Matcha by Matcha Outlet
15257 tasting notes

Backlog and sipdown from the weekend. Had this over the weekend to remind myself of why i love this straight as well as in addition to other flavours in my morning smoothie. I’ve got a few packages in my cupboard, so this might be a technical sipdown but i for sure need to got through and see where i’m at so that i can place another order :)

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drank Blueberry Matcha by Matcha Outlet
15257 tasting notes

SIPDOWN! woot woot!
One more matcha finished up, just in time for me to try and make a decision on what matchas to re-order from the referral program. I do love this blueberry matcha in my morning smoothie. It’ll be a tough decision on what to pick up for my next order :)

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Ok so i set this up to cold brew a few days ago to see if the cold version would be similar to lemon chiffon, since the hot brew is more lemon than anything to me. As it turns out? Cold brewing this makes it very much more like an earl grey…which means um NO thanks! I’m glad i tried anyway as the hot brew is pretty tasty.


Interesting! I swear I’ve read that this is a really good Earl Grey Creme so I’ve been meaning to try it. Still hunting for the best one.


It tastes like lemon when its hot to me. Lol it’s tasty…but it’s lemon cream to me hahah


I guess that makes sense. It’s funny though how it just doesn’t sound nearly as exciting as bergamot despite being citrus too haha.

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drank Holy Basil Spa Blend by Verdant Tea
15257 tasting notes

SIPDOWN! Thanks to Indigobloom for this sample. I don’t think i would have otherwise picked this up on my own from verdant, but now that I’ve had it, i might consider keeping a small stock of this one around. I am digging the way the basil and mint blend together! Really glad i jumped at the chance to give this one a whirl :)


hehe! my fave ayurvedic blend :D

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drank Cinnamon Roll Honeybush by 52teas
15257 tasting notes

SIPDOWN! oh yeah baby! One of the first 52 teas i ordered and i’m finally finished the bag. While i thoroughly enjoyed this one, i find that i like the balance the strawberry pie gives to the cinnamon so that will likely be the staple in my cupboard instead of this one, though this is pretty darn delicious!


You are on a sipdown ROLL Sil! hahaha see what I did there :P


lol goof. Only on a sipdown roll because two weeks ago i made a plan to get through the stuff that i only have a little of. Once i get through the next few then i’m pretty much SOL on any easy sipdowns. Esp with all the tea inbound.


ah. still, yay for sipdowns! and… well I got my pun (not cinnabun heh!) so I’m happy :D


Except most of the Della Terra will be easy sipdowns, as you’ll only have 0.25 oz. to begin with! :D :D


Or 0.5oz.

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Sipdown! And thank you again to the lovely Hesper June for letting me try this one. Still not my favourite cup of tea but it does give me hope that I may enjoy some of the other blends that Whispering Pines tea company has to offer as i can sense the potential in the tea, even if this one seems all over the map resulting in a kind of boring tea. One more down..and technically one more to go to hit my goal for this weekend! woot woot!

Whispering Pines Tea Company

I think Campfire blend may be a hit-or-miss kind of tea…hmm, who knows! :)

Glad you see potential though ;)


haha yeah. There’s a LOT going on in that tea that i think it cancels out some of each other.

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drank Cherries Jubilee Bai Mu Dan by 52teas
15257 tasting notes


Yay for getting through a few teas this weekend though i’m sad some of them are gone. At least this way i feel a bit productive…sort of.

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…and i’m sad to say while this is the most wonderful smelling tea that i’ve ever smelled…i managed to go through pretty much the entire ounce without ever finding the tea to go with the smell. I’m not sure if this ounce was just a bad batch or what, but Kittenna had the same issues that I did when she borrowed a sample. It makes me sad as this is the first Butiki tea that i genuinely don’t like. (teas that aren’t to my taste don’t count, since those i can appreciate for what they are…this tea on the other hand is everything in a tea that i should love.)

I’m glad that others have found this enjoyable but there’s a bitterness to it that doesn’t equate with the deliciously amazing orange and chocolate smell. Even with a bit of sweetner or with milk it just wasn’t doing it for me.

Ah well, at least i tried…and there’s always creamy sweet wonderful amazing eggnog…right? :)


I’m going to receive a sample of this one with my Butiki Order.I’ll try not oversteep it as you mention bitterness


I too have a sample on the way with my order.


in one of my other tealogs, stacy recommended 1 tsp instead of 1.5 as well as possibly taking out some of the orange. Other ppl have successfully brewed this though, so i suspect it was either my batch or there’s something in this that disagrees with me. :(


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So no real clue what to write about myself here. A friend got me into drinking loose tea and it’s something I thoroughly enjoy though I have nowhere near the experience that many folks on the boards seem to have.

My other interests are cycling, reading, board games, disney cruises, world of warcraft and dancing – in no particular order. I love travelling as well!

Most of that is on hold these days though, including tea drinking like I used to as I have a new little one who eats up all my spare time.


Toronto, ON

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