15131 Tasting Notes


The Persimmon Tree recommends brewing this at 185 so I’m glad that I did a quick check on their website before brewing this. Otherwise it would have been an over brewed cup of tea!

What I have instead is a very pleasant cup of black tea that has a strength to it, without being bitter or astringent. There’s a hint of sweetness in the aroma that isn’t present in the cup, which I’m ok with as I love my blacks to be bold! This is the kind of black tea that you could have both morning and afternoon that doesn’t need sugar or milk to satisfy. I can see wanting to reorder this when I manage to get my cupboard down to a more manageable size!

185 °F / 85 °C 3 min, 45 sec

Good catch! I wish tea packaging was always labeled clearly so you could just make your cup without having to look it up online first!


yeah i hear you on that one!

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drank Black Currant by Harney & Sons
15131 tasting notes


Yeah…not going to see that much anymore from now on haha. Made a cup of this for this afternoons series of ongoing issues. After having this a few times, i think i’ve grown less fond of it. It’s not a bad cup of tea but i find the flavouring isn’t quite as much as i’d hoped in the longer run.

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mmmm afternoon treat of a fruity tea! This one is pretty good. The cinnamon isn’t overpowering, instead it blends in with the plum instead of taking it over. This blend isn’t overly sweet either which is nice. I think this would be a pretty tasty cold brew as well.

Boiling 8 min or more

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drank Classic Christmas Blend by House of Tea
15131 tasting notes

mmmmm another christmas blend – this one from a local tea shop that doesn’t really sell online. this one has a bit more of the cinnamon and clove that i enjoy. Less of the orange/citrus flavour than the other which is a little disappointing. funnily enough…i might actually really enjoy missing the two that i have for the ultimate blend. :)

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I have a couple of “christmas blend teas” so I figured today would be a good time for me to try and compare the two of them. There are a few that pop up every year at christmas that i’m always tempted by – one of them being the blend from Murchie’s. I haven’t picked that one up yet but i did pick up a sample of this one and one from a local tea shop.

This one smells like cinnamon however once it’s steeped there is the taste of cloves, that doesn’t overpower and blends nicely with the black base. the hint of citrus is in the background, and weaves its way through the sip, trailing off in the end. Overall a nice cup of tea.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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This is a really smooth black. I can’t say as it’s my favourite kind of taste from a black but this could easily be a staple in my cupboard for those of my friends who like black tea to be straight and “boring” without any flavour nuances. I like the boldness of this one and the lack of stringency on the tongue.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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mmm this is a rather tasty tea. There is a fruity taste hidden in the tea that is quite delicious. While it wont be a favourite of mine it is something that i’d be willing to order again.

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drank Blueberry Purple Tea by Butiki Teas
15131 tasting notes

Such a delicious tea. I’m really happy that I picked this one up on a whim a while ago. The way that the blueberry runs through the tea very subtly is wonderful. There’s a richness to the tea that i quite enjoy without sweetner. Adding a bit of sweetner merely enhances the flavour of the blueberries and makes them pop just slightly before being embraced once more by the purple tea.

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I figured i’d revisit this tonight to try and see how things have come along with me and oolongs since i first tried this one. Sadly i don’t yet have my gaiwan to really do this properly but i’m saving some now that my first one is on the way from stacy! woot woot! Overall this isn’t a bad tea but is reminiscent of THAT taste in oolongs that i don’t much enjoy. Thankfully, I can try this again at a later date and give it one final try :)

Overall, it was nice to have one tea and only one tea to drink tonight as again…thing at work broke sigh here’s to a working from home day tomorrow so that I can get caught up with real work!

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drank Laoshan Black by Verdant Tea
15131 tasting notes

OH MY SWEET HEAVEN! How i’ve missed you! I needed a pick me up today so I fell back on this one since i KNOW how much i love it. I’m looking forward to more of this tonight when i get home for resteeps. I just love the malty chocolatey taste from this one. It remains one of my favourite blacks.

Hesper June

I can’t wait to try this:)


I think i also really like this one because i can brew it western and gonfu and it holds up well. Truth be told I actually like this one better than golden fleece (the horror!) :)

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So no real clue what to write about myself here. A friend got me into drinking loose tea and it’s something I thoroughly enjoy though I have nowhere near the experience that many folks on the boards seem to have.

My other interests are cycling, reading, board games, disney cruises, world of warcraft and dancing – in no particular order. I love travelling as well!

Most of that is on hold these days though, including tea drinking like I used to as I have a new little one who eats up all my spare time.


Toronto, ON

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