Got a sample of this from Cavocorax because I wanted to dip my toe (so to speak) into the whole Matcha deal, but I didn’t want to buy a large amount of it from somewhere and then end up not liking it.
The smell is very sweet caramel. It reminds me of really good caramel candies actually. Mmmmm. Caramel Candy…too bad it gets stuck in my teeth.
Anyway, so I mixed a tsp into 8oz of milk and stirred/mixed like crazy until I couldn’t see any little spots through the bottom of the measuring cup. I probly got the ratios all wrong for it, or something, but whatever.
After the foam faded off, it was this, errr, kinda grey/greenish color, that made me slightly dubious about it, but then, I was expecting a brighter green. Which makes me suspect that maybe I didn’t use enough? Or else it’s because I just don’t know what color it should have been in the first place. Lol! I didn’t add any ice or anything to this because I wanted to see what it was like straight.
So tentative sip and….oh. Oh Wow! Caramel milk goodness. Seriously. I was expecting a bitter, green-something taste because that’s been my experience with green tea in the past, and this really awful matcha dry fruit mix I got a sample of once. But nope. Total caramel goodness. I ended up drinking the whole cup so fast I don’t really even remember drinking it.
Next time I’ll probly try 1 1/2 tsp, or possibly 2 tsp, next time I make it, just cause it can’t hurt. But I’d definitely order this in the future. And it really makes me want to try other matchas now. Awesome experience is….well, awesome. Lol!
Try some of it here: